Saturday, November 3, 2012

Always In The Middle

 I woke up this morning to the sound of my smoke alarm chirping, reminding me I needed to replace the batteries.  I must be a deep sleeper because I don't remember that happening last night.  I walked around the house half awake for less than twenty seconds, realizing that everyone is still asleep. It's Saturday morning.  YES.  I mean, for me it doesn't mean much considering that I'm not attending school, nor working full time.  However, I do not enjoy waking up to an empty house...which happens daily during the week (school, work, errands, etc.).  I guess I've always been surrounded by someone growing, mission companions.  Time has been going awfully slow these last few weeks back home.  Maybe there is something about someones presence, or the conversation that makes life faster.  For as slow as time has passed in these last couple weeks, my plans are moving rather quickly.  (That was an understatement).  I love what Dieter F. Uchtdorf said: Endings are times for winding down and may involve feelings of completion or loss. But with the proper outlook, considering ourselves as in the middle of things can help us not only to understand life a little better but also to live it a little more meaningfully.  I don't know if I fully understood this until now, but it's so true! I definitely feel completed and feel that loss after coming home less than a month ago from Argentina.  There are still times when I catch myself remembering all the amazing things I experienced in the mission, speaking Spanish or listening to Latin music.  It was a great two years. Anyways, the point is that at sometime, somewhere we will all feel completed, finished or relaxed.  With that in mind, I definitely always want to be productive and "doing something".  For about a week now, I have been engaged to the most wonderful lady, Melissa, and it has been the best thing ever.  I feel so confident and sure about this, that it makes me happy knowing I was able to make the right decision.  I still remember the look on her face when she saw me in Flying M without notice, seconds before the proposal.  I am so excited to marry her.  I guess everyone expected it, which is totally normal seeing that we have known each other for four years (right dear?).  I especially enjoyed the response from old companions still in the mission field after two weeks of being home, writing them to tell them about the wonderful news.  The jokes of getting married quickly after the mission have always been funny, and still are.  I guess missionaries, due to their circumstances, are easy to make fun of.  It's true.  Some might be surprised by the quickness my engagement, but after reading what Uchtdorf said, even I began to understand why it is so important that we consider ourselves in the middle of things. Life is definitely not a race nor a competition.  I understand that the circumstances we are in, if we are being obedient, are the circumstances that our Heavenly Father wants for all of us.  Like I've said, I have been feeling very blessed lately.  The mission has brought me more blessings than I even deserve.  December 28th will be a good day to say the least. I am enjoying the life of an engaged man, however, I hope that the time between now and then will go faster than usual.