Friday, March 27, 2009


i have eaten so little and napped so much this week! honestly, i'm not sure if i have ever done it this much, besides when i was a toddler of course. however wednesday when i got my wisdom taken out of me, i was out like rock. but melissa came over and brought me ice cream and we watched bolt. which was very awesome and very sweet. i like doing things with friends, even when i'm not entirely mobile. i freakin loved it! watching bolt was the best part of my week, and then it was finally getting up and going to walmart! even tho i looked like a freak, my cheeks were swollen big and very noticeable. haha, my facial cheeks that is. my mejillas are quite noticeable now. hahahaha. oh man, i'm not sure why i thought that was so funny but ok. i've noticed that my spring break has been full of cyber communication. which is not all that great. i love it, but i want to talk to everyone face to face. haha. sometimes i wish i lived in a small small town where every one knew every one and it was just quaint. however, i also want to live where i have access to somewhat urban cities within reach. and i guess nampa is the perfect place for that.
today i am eating spaghetti-o's! how long has it been since i have had these things? i don't miss them all that much. but they definitely bring back memories. i forgot these existed. haha, wow. and yum.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


looking at things, i figured that my spring break will most definitely become a break. break, being defined as being exempt from all duties and some responsibilities. on sunday, i went to the emergency room because of some uncontrollable puking and some bursting of some blood vessels all over and around my face, but i wont tell you more, doubting you would like to read about that! that left me in bed all sunday, and all most of monday with nothing to do, literally. otherwise, i would have been driving, finding activites to do with friends. but no. so here we are on tuesday, which means tomorrow is wednesday...which equals...wisdom teeth removal!!! yay! another long couple days where i get to eat nothing but liquids and "soft stuff" bed. gah. what a way to spend spring break right? last night i went out shopping with my family, which wasn't that bad honestly, but when i got home i felt the need to crash and sleep another ten hours or so. tonight, i figured the best thing i can do is to get out of the house and do something before i am home-bound once more. so there is a cast party at a "fairy"'s house, and that will hopefully get my social wiggles out before tomorrow. this will also restrict my driving privileges....hmmm. yeah, this really sucks. hahaha. oh well. one week out of my whole life...not bad at all (: some people have it worse. i'm not nearly as home-bound as some people. maybe i'm even lucky to have a social life to look forward too after-wards.
(and all the emergency room stuff, its really not that bad so don't freak out) thank you.
i've learned to love the music of jason mraz. as of last night. i have always been looking for the artist who has the vocal abilities of michael buble, the acoustic-ness of john mayer, the simplicity of ben folds, and the raw homemade sounds like sondre lerche. jason got VERY close. If only he used stronger melodies! the lyrics are mostly fantastic and the titles of every song are just perfect. so if any one has any suggestions for the artist of all those qualities, give me a notice. songs that get me are the ones that have melodies that you can't get out of your head, but meanwhile, you like having them there. i think that for right now i will have to listen to all of his stuff before i can put him on top of my list.

many of you may recognize this song, but live, it kicks the album verison's butt.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

the opening night for the play is tonight. oh goody. idk if i should be excited because my energy varies from day to day. i will have to pick up some vitamin water, power-c tonight. that always gets me going. and then tons and tons of water! which is always encouraged. the play is based on shakespeare's a mid summer's night dream but its an adaption, and it's a musical. pretty entertaining if you know the story. if any of you readers are familiar with the story, i'm playing puck. so basically i get to wear glitter on stage...lots. which sucks when i show up the next day in class and i find glitter on my government paper because it's still coming out of my hair. gosh! its actually no that bad, but the eye make up can get rather irritating i will admit! wish me good luck, first time with large audiences in this production!

erin is making me something called "four-corners pasta" which is pasta, (obviously) with salsa and some south-western kick...i'm guessing. if it's good, i will pretend like i'm a culinary critic and write about it later. haha. so i ALSO just realized that dallan will be gone soon! gosh, what a kid. four years without him? seriously, that's just going to be hard. but of course all for a good reason. i mean, i am going for a year, with my own room (which honestly will be lonely), and the two girls. hmmm... i guess marie is really easy to talk to about everything. haha.
today i was in the news paper and i didn't even know it. i got home and found an article, but i honestly did not bother reading, it was for the play and looked un-interesting. maybe tomorrow. haha. and my picture looked hideous, but its newspaper printing, what could i expect? i love how i just blamed my bad looks on the newspaper. i'm ready to get off the computer now. time to eat!

Monday, March 16, 2009

sadie hawkins

who seriously calls it 'sadie hawkins' these days. i think everyone just sticks with sadies now. because it's so much easier to say. regardless of the name, let me tell you about my sadies experience! i went with my best friend melissa, who i have probably mentioned before in earlier post so that should be kinda familiar.
we started off our actual date (i say that because we spent the morning at a fireside and making caramel sauce and doing make up, well her make up), at lexi's house where i think the first thing we did was fly kites. hahaha, we suck at flying kites! how simple right? no. there was even some wind, and we could not even get our kite high at all. but i'm blaming it on the wind and the kite. given the fact the wind speeds were low, and i don't know how to assemble a kite, thats probably why. otherwise we would have had our "backyardigans" kite up in the stratosphere. haha, oh well. it was super fun while it lasted. but probably one of the best parts was jumping on the trampoline. none of us have one, so trampolines are pretty special. hahaha! no seriously, it was the most fun i had in a long time. i could not stop luaghing. we were going so high, it was ridiculous, and ridiculously fun! gosh (:

we also ate pizza and sang karakoe. for a short amount of time. that was also fun. and then we took really cute pictures. dang, i'm so proud of my date, because we looked freakin good. haha, how un-humble was that? but seriously, we owned at the t-shirt portion of the date, i know that. haha.

pokemon have been me and melissa's favorite inside jokes, as far as making fun of it. she knows more than i do about the fictional monsters, and i think we both get a good kick out of it. woo! ok, so i have to go so i'll try to hurry.
we then went to this glow in the dark, black light, miniature golf place that was oh so rad. it was soo wicked and i didn't even know it existed. it was super cool looking and dinosaurs everywhere! i love dinosaurs. kinda. haha. and there was also a blue ape who glowed pretty vividly in the light. he looked like budah it was pretty funny actually. then we hit up the dance. i serioulsy think that was like the best dance of my far. haha. it was super super rad!!! gosh, it was so fantastic. i wish i would have taken more pictures, but then i wouldnt be able to enjoy it all, but heck who needs pictures. i'm gonna feel bad if i left some part of the date out....hmmm. i don't think so. (:
i'm out

Sunday, March 1, 2009

the visitor

blogger won't let me chose font type or color anymore, so i guess this is the way it will look for a while til i can figure it out. (:

i saw the visitor last night. man. i can't tell you in words what that movie does to you. walter the main character takes in a couple who other wise would not have a place to stay. i won't tell you much more than that, however, it is one of the most well thought out movies i have seen in a long time. when the movie ended i just stopped, and stared. it left me thinking about a lot of things. and definitly brought out different sides of illegal imigration, and hapiness to me. it left me wanting to watch it again so so badly. go rent it or something, magnificent stuff.
speaking of renting movies...
me and melissa rented michael buble in concert. if you know me, or her for that matter, i am dying to see michael buble in concert. but the chances are pretty unlikley. so, we got as close as we could and rented it. man, that was so much fun!
(listen to his voice at 1:25, dang)!

i called the library earlier because i was trying to find it and they said the didnt. so me, melissa and ana found it in the library like an hour after we called them. ha. and there were two copies!!! librarians...jeez. i am so tempted to keep it 'til they make me pay for the whole thing or something. haha.
it was awesome. (: now i just need to go to his concert...for reals. haha.