Monday, September 27, 2010

Last But Not Least

I guess I have been a little more attatched to things than most people. I'm not talking about things like, video games or worldy items...(and I'm not a pack rat either. Ug). I guess even simple things like a laundry hamper that you use your whole life seems like part of you. I used everything in here for quite some time. It has a face and a personality. They way the mirror is nailed to the wall always telling me how good I look or (more often) don't look. The way my bed has always been so inviting. The way the light stretches in between the blinds every morning stretching across the orange floor and up onto the wood cabinents. 'Toy Story'-ish. I know these things don't have lives, and I know they don't get out and dance and play when I leave. But I know how they would act if they did. Child-ish...I know. Reailty is cool place, but I wouldn't want to live there (all the time).

But something happens when you take everything down. It's like you took a vaccum and sucked the life out of that room. Naked white walls and clean spotless carpet is like an old bike that just doesn't fit anymore. Sure, you learned to ride on it for the first time, but things change and even though it was the perfect color, it's time to go. So I guess almost two years ago this room was shared. Two boys who fifty percent of the time fought, and fifty percent of the time tackled and laughed and shoved. I guess one was more into the realistic side of things, while the other was constantly laughing and finding new ways to create 'mayhem'. And then he leaves. The room is yours and you feel like a king. There's a single bed and much more space. I guess it was cool for a little while, but I missed him sometimes.

The walls are still a little patchy from nails and what not. Stapled posters of Drum Corps International and photos of friends and families. Taking it down can be a little hollow. I mean...there is nothing there to remind you. I suppose the whole point in putting those things up in the first place could be divided into two reasons.

1. The wall was blank and needed something to dress it.
2. For a reminder. To remind of good times and remind you of what you liked and I guess what your family looked like....if you forgot. If you forgot what your family looks like...well, I don't really have any advice. Except go see a counselor. I could reccomend a great one.

Other things I can't really fit in my luggage let alone use. So I suppose it's going to get two years older with no birthdays and sit in the corner.

Packing for two years is overwhelming. Don't get me wrong, I'm beyond excited to serve for two years in a country where people have nothing and are happy. So I guess putting everything I will need when I get back (minus clothes) in a 22 gallon tote makes me a feel like I'm doing a little better at not consuming too much stuff and becoming less of a pack rat. It's sad leaving everything I have known. It's more exciting to learn everything and arrive to something I don't know. It's a little fascintating going to a place where I'm not fluent with the language, familiar with the money or know of the customs. I'm going to miss Idaho. I'm going to miss my room. I'm going to miss my siblings. I'm going to miss my best friend. I'm going to miss homemade meals. I'm going to miss a lot... but one thing is for. I wouldn't trade this oppurtunity for the world.

I guess this is my last blog post for a while. Thanks for reading. I know not everyone reads this or even has the time to, but if you do, Thank You.

"Now Woody, he's been my pal for as long as I can remember. He's brave, like a cowboy should be. And kind and smart. But the thing that makes Woody special, is he'll never give up on you...ever. He'll be there for you, no matter what." - Andy

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Truth Be Told

A lot of people have been asking me questions lately. Which is fine. I am a pretty social guy I suppose. In high school I felt like I was pretty outgoing and maybe even very social. I felt the need to be unique and 'different'. As soon as I graduated from high school, I also graduated from those feelings. I guess I don't really enjoy attention but I do like people to know my accomplishments. But being put on the spotlight for them makes me uneasy. I can ace a job interview and shake hands and look at people in the eyes. I also deal with cranky customers pretty well too. I'm not shy...I just don't seek attention like I used too. Like I was saying, a lot of people have been asking me questions. Questions that make me go...'really?'.
Let me set one thing straight. Going on a mission is something I have wanted to do my entire life, and outside of marriage, it might be one of the best things I can do for myself and the Lord. So when people say...
"What's the last restaurant you will eat at before you go?" or
"What's the last movie you are going to see before you go?" or phrase question like that, I squirm. Going on a mission will be far more exciting than any movie and restaurant I will ever attend. I am making these sacrifices because I want to serve...not because I'm being dragged into this by my parents. I guess I'm not attached to those like I am to family and friends. Trust me. I wouldn't be doing this if I didn't believe that what I was doing and what I was preaching is right and true. I guess those kind of question throw me off because I am not looking forward to the parties and movies that go with 'pre-mission' activities. Rather, I'm looking forward to getting out in the mission field; teaching people who don't have the recourses to go out to restaurants for fun. People who don't have the luxury of seeing movies, let alone 'one last one'.

So when someone asks me "Jay, what will be the last movie you will rent before you leave?", I guess my answer is this. I could probably care less. I know this is an exciting time for me, but what is more exciting is that I get to spend two years serving the Lord! Yes! I don't want this to sound like something I am being dragged into. For what I have been blessed with, two years is nothing. I'm excited to go to Argentina. I'm not anti-movie or anti-restaurant. If you want to go see a movie or go out the eat with me sometime, let go! Sounds fun. I just would rather not think less about what I can't do and more about what I will be able to do.

I'm excited.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Lyrics I Wish I Wrote

Breathe and I'll carry you away into the velvet sky
And we'll stir the stars around
And watch them fall away into the Hudson Bay
And plummet out of sight and sound

The open summer breeze will sweep you through the hills
Where I live in the alpine heights
Below the Northern Lights, I spend my coldest nights
Alone, awake and thinking of the weekend we were in love

Home among these mountain tops can be so awfully dull
A thousand miles from the tide
But photos on the walls of New York shopping malls
Distract me so I stay inside

I wish the rockets stayed over the promenade
'Cause I would make a hook and eye
And fish them from the sky, my darling, she and I
We're hanging on so take us high to sing the world goodbye

I am floating away, lost in a silent ballet
I'm dreaming you're out in the blue and I am right beside you
Awake to take in the view
Late nights and early parades, still photos and noisy arcades
My darling, we're both on the wing
Look down and keep on singing and we can go anywhere
-Adam Young

Monday, September 20, 2010

Maybe Amazing Things Will Happen

Maybe it's her daughters birthday. Maybe these blueprints belong to an amazing new building. Maybe she is getting a divorce. Maybe he is copying a resume. Maybe she is frustrated with her insurance company. Maybe they are ordering wedding announcements. Maybe his flash drive has files I would rather not open. Maybe he lost his house. Maybe this book is worth more than the copy machine. Maybe they have a mailbox here just for social interaction. Maybe they don't like the social interaction. Maybe they won't make any money off this. Maybe they will make a lot. Maybe they are from out of town. Maybe they thought that this color copy would be a lot cheaper.

Beyond these papers, boxes, flash drives, faxes, documents and e-mails, I cannot help but wonder where these people are from and who they are. How did they get this picture, why do they need a copy or what is in this box? How did they end up with this many receipts and why do they need a copy of every single one?
If you have been working in copy centers at least as long as I have, you will know that strange and even some off color stuff can pop up in boxes, flash drives and even regular copies. Making a normal copy is just as exciting as making one on Monday morning as it is on Friday Evening. The box is just as heavy weather you ship USPS or FedEx. Not everyone is the same...sometimes, you can tell a lot about a person by the fax you send or the blueprint you make. I hate charging someone for sending resumes. No one sends resumes because they like too. Plus, resume paper is the most spendy...(non-coated, text-weight) paper there is. Ugh. The copy world is a very promotional business. "Our business helps your business" sorta thing. So I see a lot of ugly looking promotions. (Not what we design! Always customer original artwork). But when I see ugly promotions or flyers I long to sit with the customer and say...

'Well Bill, it looks like you gotta a great promotion going on here. But the Impact font and the default clip art (that every one has) is going to be a flyer that ends up in the trash.'

But before that happens, Bill says this.

I would like 2,000 (very ugly) color copies of this flyer.
In which case I frantically and most excitingly say:

"No problem!!! When would you like them and I will make that happen!"

I treat him like a king, and his wish is my command.

My plans are normal. I don't plan to work with copies forever. One day I will go to college, fall in love, get married and start a family. Have talented kids, go to work. Come home and have dinner. Grow old, play scrabble with my wife. Invite the grandkids over. Of course, this is ideal. And I'm not the one too decide exactly how everything happens in my life.

Maybe she really does not want to make these copies. Maybe she didn't want any of this to happen but the court needs the paperwork anyways. Maybe this is a sad copy. Maybe this package he is sending is cute and romantic. Maybe it contains love notes and sorts of gushy stuff. Maybe this is a happy package. And then the customer pays and leaves. And thats that. A small little social interaction and he leaves. And then I get home and take of the blue polo and look in the mirror. Not in really a sad way, but more thoughtful... more pensive. Maybe he had a great day at work. Maybe work was more stressful and busy than he wanted it to be. Maybe his legs still hurt from running that same morning. Maybe he forgot to call a customer about their completed

Maybe he loved his job. Maybe he loved where he worked. Maybe he thinks his co-workers are hilarious. Maybe he will know that this was a tough job to leave. Maybe, now, he will have way more blue polos than he will ever need. Maybe it was the best job he has ever had so far. Maybe he was starting to get used to the nick name "Jay - Rizzie". Maybe he is so thankful that he had such a perfect job for him right before he left for a different country.

Weather you hate your job, love it, are looking for one, just quit one, just got fired from one, or started your own job, one thing is for sure. Work hard.

A quote by Conan 'O Brien appropriately comes to mind:

"If you work really hard, and you're kind, amazing things will happen."

Friday, September 10, 2010

How Children Fail

I am on here not knowing what to type, only knowing that I promised to blog whilst I was eating my dinner. Speaking of dinner, holy cow. I don't know what it was but it was from heaven. Something like steaming italian sausage, with whole wheat penne, fresh parmesan cheese and a handful full of vegetables and herbs straight from our garden. Seriously. So friends, it's less than one month. I'm sure you are sick of hearing about my mission by now. For the sake of you, I will not blog about it in this entry anymore. But I mind you...less than one month. (!) New topic.

This the latest design. By no means am I a graphic designer...but I sure enjoy it. Every once and a while I will attempt to do some "designing" and just have fun. I have always been fascinated with this. This in one in particular was for my lovely aunt Silvia Hope, and her upcoming cake business. She is great at it too! Take a look at some of her work.

Like I was saying, I have always been fascinated by how manipulative design can be. Maybe it is because design, has always been manipulative to ME. I will stop and look at anything with good design and drool. Gross. But seriously, I once read a statement in an interview I read that I completely agreed with. It went..err...something like this. 'I believe that people buy into art. If the packaging is good enough, people will buy it.' So true.

One time, while being super nerdy and awaiting the release of a fictional teen's novel at Barnes and Nobles at midnight, me and my best friend found something marvelous. A tin can of herbal mint tea. It was so cool looking! And for some reason, I felt like buying. The tea probably would have been just as great as the kind you can find at your local grocer. That could be a problem. However, I would consider myself a pretty frugal guy. worries. Other things I like?

I love drinking wine. Gotcha! K, No seriously, wine bottles are beautiful. I don't drink wine, but it sure looks great! And trust me, the packaging will never convince me to purchase any. Just a sample. Ooooo.

I love drinking coffee. Gotcha...again. I don't drink coffee either...but everything about the packaging on coffee looks so comfy and fresh. I mean, even this silly napkin.

Book Covers.
I love drinking book covers. Sorry, I had to. Some book covers, ok, most book covers are hideous. But some are fantastic! Everything on this page is soo nice. I would own every one of those if I could. Mmmmmmmm. Definitely judging a book by it's cover. I especially enjoy 'How Children Fail' and 'Wildlife in Britain'. Maybe you can find them. Hahaha.


Sunday, September 5, 2010

1, 24, 11, 60 and 2

1 month until I leave for my mission.
Crazy. I knew time would go by this fast so thankfully I was prepared for that. For those who know me well, I hate packing. It has long been a pet peeve of mine, and one that I'm not sure if I can overcome. I don't think there is therapy for something like this. Maybe two years of packing and unpacking will teach me a lesson; either how to pack better, or not to worry about packing. I don't mind packing itself, as much as I hate the notion in my head that I could be forgetting something. It all boils down to me not making sure I'm prepared for everything, because I hate feeling unprepared.

24 hours.

Nothing is happening in 24 hours. Well, the Boise State game will be starting, but that's not what I'm talking about. I recently finished How to Hug a Porcupine: Dealing with Toxic and Difficult to Love Personalites. Sounds like a text book to me. It was actually a fantastic read. I really felt like I did'nt need to read the book personally because I feel like I can handle 'toxic' people pretty well. Hahaha, I was wrong. It's more than dealing with them. It's about becoming your most healthy and best self. It also teaches very much about critisicm. Dr. Lund helps you realize so many things, and even though I was just reading for leisure, it was still great! So, 24 hours. Near the end of the book, the author challenges you to go 24 hours without critisizing anyone...or yourself! Sounds impossible. He reassures you it is not. It is extremely difficult but easier some days than others. It's especially challenging at work, where I deal with some interesting customers everyday. 24 hours is hard, but I'm working on it.

11 shirts I am taking on my mission.
This does not include 'P-day' shirts. This does include short sleeved and long sleeved. Now why would you care about how many shirts I am taking. You probably still won't after this, but it still gives me something to write about. Whoever decided it would be a great idea to stick 20 or so pins and all sorts of plastic and cardboard into a new white shirt is made me frustrated last night. For guys who have bought new white dress shirts in packaging know; it can be frustrating to take these things apart. I'm not sure why it's necessary or if it's just for fun or what. I spent a good amount of time taking them all apart. But it's over now. Sweet.

60 dollars.
I can honestly say I spent 60 dollars on hygiene...and Melissa can attest to this. I didn't even buy anything special, just the basics. Toothpaste, shampoo, band-aids. Maybe this is crazy to me because I'm not used to buying those sorts of thing for myself, or enough to last me three months. For some of you that might be normal. Is it? You tell me. Anyways, sixty was the total. At least I will smell good for a while. Oh, and it also made me happy that in the Missionary Handbook, it outlines... "Bathe daily.". I'm so glad it mentions this! I know a few who don't believe that this is really necessary. Thank goodness for inspired leaders. Ha!

2 weeks left or work.

I honestly will miss my job. I am so blessed to have it. It is a great work environment, great pay, great hours, and it still gives me time on weekends and weeknights to do what I still love. Most of all, my work is satisfying. I come home and am excited what I accomplished. My co-workers are so funny, and my boss had a great work ethic. It is a really tough job to leave given the opportunity. I'm not one to brag...but my job is awesome. I am so blessed to have this right before I leave. Thank you to Copies Plus.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Hunger Games Cast

I think that everyone who has read the books agree on a couple of actors/actresses to play certain characters. The actors/actresses that I suggest in the post may not be what you think they look like at all, but it is what I imagined. Also, a side note: my 'dream cast' is solely based on looks. Here we go!

Emily Browning as Katniss Everdeen
Emily is unsuspecting but fierce if she wanted to be. She would look smashing in a dress on a firw, and have to courage to lead Panem.

Peter Moseley as Peeta Mellark
Whenever I read about Peeta, this is exactly how I imagine him. Broad shoulders and floppy blonde hair. This one was easy.

Hunter Parrish as Gale Hawthorne
I picture him totally different than anyone else does. So don't rag on me for this one. I know he probably doesn't have dark enough hair but this is just what I guess I imagined. This one actually took me some research.

Robert Downey Jr. as Haymitch Abernathy
Make him drunk and messy. It's perfect. Although, I really would not mind if Hugh Laurie played him either. But it's hard to imagine Hugh Laurie not playing a doctor...for me at least.

Miranda Richardson as Effie
I grabbed her from Harry Potter. She is peppy, but she is not Kristin Chenoweth. Who I actually think wouldn't do a good job anyway.

Ben Kingsley as President Snow.
He is creeppy and would need a little more hair. He is the perfect age and with dramatic make up, he could give me nightmares. Google his images with serious faces and I think you might agree.

Molly Quinn as Foxface.
She looks like a fox. What more can I say?

Sienna Guillory as Johanna Mason
She looks annoying enough, but also funny enough to be Johanna. Again, I had to do my research to find this one.

Zac Efron as Finnick

He looks like a swimmer and he would be great with a trident. This picture screamed Finnick! when I saw it. I will stop there considering it might start sounding gay.

Evan Lysacek as Cinna.
I don't if anyone else really agrees on this one. Must be my imagination, but Evan is what Cinna looks like to me. Not to mention his outfit almost looks mockingjay-ish in this picture.

Judi Dench as President Coin.
She IS President Coin. This was another no-brainer.

Georgie Heneley as Prim Everdeen
Yet, another kid from Narnia. I'm copying/agreeing with my sister Erin on this one. Georgie could pull the part off no problem.

Sorry for some of the over-sized pictures, I can't figure how to do it on Blogger. So does anyone agree? Anyone not agree at all??? Tell me what you think.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

These Are a Few of My Favorite Things

Usually when I write a list of things I like, I can look back it at and squirm. I know this is cliche but what the heck. Of course, each year I look back at myself and roll my eyes. I tend to change. Who doesn't. While in reading the following list, I hope you get a glimpse of who I am.

The Story with Dick Gordon
Good Photography
Catch Me If You Can
Eric Whitacre
Simple Patterns
A Good Voice
The Office
My Family
Brown Paper
Owl City
My Best Friend
Acoustic Music
The True Church
Good Design
Cinnamon Life Cereal
Calla Lillies
Olive Green,
....not together.
Pigs In a Blanket
Toy Story
Good Smelling Shampoo
Sondre Lerche's Lyrics
Jonathon Livingston Seagull
William Joseph
BBQ Sauce
Dan In Real Life.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Short Post.

Truly great friends are hard to find, difficult to leave, and impossible to forget."

I'm not one for quotes. I usually think most of them are too cheesy and irrelevant to me that I just don't care. I especially get annoyed with "Live, Laugh, Love". I'm not much of a morbid person but that one just gets way too annoying. Anyways, I read this quote (the one up top) and it hit me. It stuck with me. It applies to me and I'm forever grateful for good friends...friends who I have come to know and love. This is short post...but I just wanted to put that out there.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Sunscreen. Check.

Thermometer. Check.

Anti-fungus Cream. Check

Vaseline. Check.


Maybe I am the only person ever who thinks this is funny. But I'm posting anyways. Today Me and Melissa went shopping for all the 'essentials' for the mission. No, nothing weird, just soap and sanitizer, and shampoo and so forth. It was my very first experience buying dental floss. For myself. I have used it before (duh). But who goes to the grocery store for floss? Usually I use get the free stuff in my goodie bag at the dentist. Yay (!?).

"I've never bought floss you want mint or plain??", she said.

Hahahahahahaha!!! We both laughed.

"Mint, it smells better."

(It was me.)

I'm going to miss having someone who understands my humor all day. It's great knowing someone like Melissa, who will laugh at my jokes even when they are not funny. Maybe I will have a few companions who will get some jokes here and there, or who used to be full time stand up comedians. That would be sweet.

Oh well. Either way, I'm going to miss it.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Me vs. Pizza

I'm so indecisive. At least, in the last 20 minutes I was.

Today I cleaned the garage, put the iPod in and listened to some real great music. It's not a disaster but it sure is a mess! Wow. Almost all of the junk was cardboard boxes anyways. What a shame I don't recycle. Recycling should be made more accessible, yes? Even at Copies Plus we don't recycle, main reason being it's too expensive. However I do think we would get a lot more business if we were the only copy center that went "green". Wow, listen to me ramble. Anyways, I was cleaning the garage and I got sooo hungry. Particularly hungry for food that is fatty and unhealthy but terribly delicious. Ugh. My mother was out getting lunch with her sister, so I'm sure that If I called her and asked for lunch she would just bring me something back! Right? Hahahaha, no.
So I went to trusty Google. 'dominos nampa, id'. BAM. The phone number was pretty much in my cell phone already and Brian picked up the phone. 'Hello Brian'. After a 20 second conversation, I was informed that they will only deliever a medium pizza. Not a small. Not worth it!
So it was frozen burritos for me today :/ I swear, one of these days I'm going to be super sneaky and order a pizza all by myself. I mean, be honest. Which kid has not dreamt of ordering pizza when everyone is gone? Call me crazy.

On the upside, the garage looks fantastic.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


When I turned 18, a year ago, I did'nt feel very different. At all. In fact I remember feeling just as normal as if it was another normal day. Yesterday, I felt different. Nothing magical or weird, but the fact I was nineteen took me by surprise I guess. I like birthdays, but I'm not a huge fan of birthday parties, my own that is. But If you are having a party please invite me. I like going to those! Yesterday was just what I wanted though. A yummy dinner, with Melissa and my family. I know it's not about presents, but let me express my thanks by telling you what I was given on my birthday.
Ana gave me a bag a gum balls and foudn batteries for my metronome. Sweet.
Marie gave me the new Jack Johnson CD. I have not had the chance to listen quite yet but I'm sure it will be great.
Melissa gave a me a classy tie, which will look terribly nice in a black suit. It's cute, and I am super excited to sport my new neck tie. I also got (drum roll)....a funnel cake maker! What?! It's so great, and it was totally unexpected! (: I can't wait to make me some cakes. Me and Melissa have a guilty pleasure of funnel cakes at fairs. Since most fairs are too expensive for me atleast, this was the perfect gift. NOM NOM NOM NOM. (Thank You!)
My parents gave me a beautiful journal. For my mission of course, but it has pages to write certain things and blank pages (obviously) to write in and take with me. It's really an amazing looking journal and I am looking forward to filling it out. One page of this journal started to make me laugh. On one side of the page is says Before My Mission, followed by a blank white box, where I'm supposed to insert a picture. The next one reads: (as you can guess) After My Mission. Hahahaha, for some reason I find that humorous. I hope I don't gain too much weight, but who evers idea that was, to add that in the missionary journal, thank you. Thanks for all the birthday wishes, and whoever celebrated with me.

*Oh. Special Thanks to Erin, Harrison and Penny for sending me the Dora the Explorer birthday card.

The front: It's Your Birthday! Es Tu Compleanos!
The inside: Dance around and sing out loud
Come on, girl, you should be proud -
you're another year older!
Of course, Dora is doing the tango and Boots is doing a hand stand. Sweet.

Saturday, August 7, 2010


This last week has been refreshing. I went to cancer camp.
Ok, but seriously, cancer camp is an unbelievable place. Going there as a camper, for eight years, I loved it. We ice skated, shot arrows, rode bikes, raided girls cabins, ate camp food, sang at campfire. . . it was perfect. It was all glittery and great, an all of the above. I came home every year from the week long camp talking about it the next following months and a card full of pictures and videos. You are given everything you want. It's free and transportation is provided and its not about cancer. It's for cancer survivors, children in particular...up to the age of 17. I grew up loving every bit of camp. So I'm eighteen (Heck, I'm almost nineteen. . .scary). . . so now what? I volunteer, a junior counselor is what I am. The best way to describe the transition from camper to counselor is the metaphor that follows:

Every kid that goes to Disney World loves it. Disney World is the happiest place on earth. Or is that Disneyland? Well, either way, kids love it. It's fun, positive, crazy and even magical. Little do the kids know all the work that is put into making Disney World a magical place. Underneath Disney Land there is a break room, offices and lockers. People running the shows, the lights and most importantly Mickey and Minnie themselves, are demanding hours. There are labor unions, people hate their boss, people call in sick and so on.

At camp, people don't hate or even have bosses, but it takes so much work to put on a week long camp with kids who have suffered mental a physical pain due to cancer. I'm fortunate to have not been as hurt as some other kids have been diagnosed with cancer. I never thought of camp as a week get away where I can get away. I just liked it. Camp was great. It still is. However, now that I am a junior counselor, my role at has changed dramatically. Instead of my every want being satisfied, I'm satisfying the kids needs. It's sometimes a pain and I find my self anxious for bed time. Some of these kids come from homes where attention and love is scarce. That itself give me motivation to give the kids a week long camp full of love. Camp was great. We wrote songs, played drums, trashed the girls cabins and watched stars 'til three in the morning. I'm tired, and I miss the kids, and even sad that they have to go back to their homes where some of them don't enjoy life. Not a lot of people can really comprehend what camp is until you experience it yourself. I'm so glad I had the opportunity to give a week of my time to kids who need it. I feel refreshed and most of all, blessed.

Monday, July 26, 2010

My Folks

I have so much to be thankful for. Honestly, I'm not sure if I could fit it all in one blog. However I am sure of one thing: that I will forget a few things. For reasons unknown, this week I have been constantly thinking about how much God has blessed me with a loving family, the opportunity to be born in the covenant and for the opportunities that have risen in my short life so far. When I think about it, everything I have accomplished or been blessed with, I can trace back to my parents as well as their involvment with staying strong members of the church. This blog post will be about them.
I can't thank my parents enough for making the right decisions in their life and keeping me in line. They love me endlessly and support me in all I do. My Dad has set an amazing example for me. He has accomplished so much, despite his circumstances growing up, and is still inspiring me to achieve more. He fulfills his church callings to it's fullest and believes in me more than you can imagine. Thank You Dad. Thanks to my Mom as well, for being fearless during the time that I was in the hospital. She is one of the bravest ladies I know. She doesn't let me do stupid things, therefore she sincerely loves me. She has this quote in her office and it reminds me of her, entirely. Thank You Mom.

Sunday, July 25, 2010


I have never written about this. Not on a blog, or in writing. Nor have I ever really spoken about it to an audience this small or large. I say that because maybe only two or three people are going to actually take the time to read this, however, I'm publishing it on the internet which the whole world could read if they wanted. It's not a big deal, but I realized I have never said much about it except for small talk with friends and co-workers. My eyes.
You want to know how I really feel about them? I'll tell you. I'll talk about what I hate, what I love and so on. If you know me well, you know why my eyes are different. They are different colors. To some people (i.e. customers, new friends, friends of friends), it's crazy. To some it is awkward and some just think it's cool. Oh, and every now they are pretty to some people...but whatev.

What I Like.
-I like that it sets me apart.
-I honestly like what it says on my drivers license about them.
-I like when people accept the fact that they are different colors and don't ask too many questions.
- I like when people know about my eyes but just don't recognize it anymore (:

What I do not like.
-Customers asking prolonged questions making it uncomfortable.
-People telling other people to look at them and therfore forcing me to look in there eyes (usually strangers) while they look at mine and yeah...weird.
-People constantly thinking I have some sort of vision problem.
-When people want to see what my drivers license looks like. I have honestly done this multiple times.
-Customers start by saying: I don't mean to be rude but.... or Can I ask you a personal question?

All the above are just awkward. I honestly am not sensitive about people talking about them. However, some people just ask some awkward questions and make the whole situation unpleasant. I am proud of them, but mostly depending on the person, it can be an awkward situation. Some people make really cool conversations and I have a great time talking to them about it. It's fun, and I leave the conversation with no feeling of awkwardness whatsoever.
One customer at Copies Plus came into pick up two different posters. One was blue/purple while the other was purple/blue. He complained about the color difference and asked me If I noticed. They were obviously different in color, and I told him they were two different files, therfore the color on each one will vary according to the file. He then proceeded to ask if he thought that the problem with the posters had something to do with my vision. I was confused for a second. "What do you mean Alan?" (he's a regular, so I knew him by name). "Oh you know...your eyes."
In my head "HAHA!". I was laughing out loud, inside. I hadto keep a straight face. It humors me sometimes what people say.
I am totally one hundred percent cool with my eyes. I am not sensitive about them at all, but if you make the situation prolonged and awkward, well, that's different.
In writing this, I hope I don't sound boastfull. I can see how that could be taken that way, but my main goal was to write it down. Put down my feelings that I guess I have never really published.

*One more thing to add to the 'What I do not like' list.
- "Oh! My friends dog has eyes just like yours!"

Hahaha....uhm. Thanks?

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Lumber Jack.

What's the deal with lumber jacks and flannel shirts? Sounds miserable to me. I went, this morning, to chop some wood for the needy. Oh yeah...if you think you can get by with just an axe, think again. You are going to need at least three men with chain-saws if you want any efficiency. It was a wonderful time indeed. However, I didn't wear any plaid or flannel. I'm ok with this. I received some gnarly branch scratches on my legs and some fine sawdust in my socks....lovely. You know, there is something good about hard work. Not that I have ever doubted it, but sometimes it just doesn't sound like the most exciting time, however it is the most gratifying. I'm so glad I was raised in a house where hard work was taught and practiced. As much as I hated this in middle school and maybe even high school a little, bit, my parents were never ones to get us any video games. They preferred entertainment through a different source and expected us to work hard. I thought they were crazy. HA. What a waste of time(video games). Seriously. I don't hate video games. They are actually fun (: Wii, and things like that are way fun at parties, get togethers and even occasional times for leisure! But those fantasy, battle, violent, law-breaking video games where boys get screen face and get mad when people tell them to turn it off? Disgusting. It's obviously so engaging and addicting that they can't interact with anything else besides the game system without throwing a fit. That is what I hate. One of the books I am reading now is called The Dumbest Generation. A good book explaining how much of an advantage kids have now to learn, and amidst the oppurtunities, they are spending money on video games and other useless media. Sure, not all media is bad, but it can get out of control. I could go on for a little longer. I sound like I'm complaning, so I'll stop.

But...I love Wii bowling. Hypocrite? Maybe.

*Honestly, I don't know if I could have found a more fitting picture for this blog. I surprised myself on this one. Click here.

Friday, July 23, 2010


I'm back! ...only for a little while. SO many things have happened since I have last been on this blog and I feel somewhat obligated to update. Besides the fact that I promised someone I would update it, I still feel obligated. So let me cut to the chase...

Number One. I have a mission call....A MISSION CALL! Crazy! I will be serving in the Mendoza, Argentina Mission. Speaking Spanish. It gives me the chills just writing it. Spending two years in a whole different country in a different language terrifies me. I haven't told too many people this but when I opened my mission call, I expected an overwhelming or spiritual rush of a feeling. This was not the case. I felt like a was reading any normal letter...with family surrounding me. Part of me was disappointed. How could I be? It was a mission call! An actual mission call, with President Monsons' 'signature' on it. I'm not sure if it was me or what but it just felt normal. It wasn't until a day or two when I realized that this was the place where I was designed to go. I can honestly say I love this gospel and having the oppurtunity to share of it in a country that has less opportunity than mine does, humbles me.
Oh yeah, I have way cool mission presidents. Check this out:

Number Two: I have a niece! Not sure if I have mentioned this on here before or not. Penelope was born in February and consumes most of the talk at family get togethers. She's the first to be born out of us five children. Pretty exciting. Did I mention she's terribly adorable?
Number Three: I can't stop thinking about this. So maybe writing this down help me get it off my chest? K.
I'm serving a mission. Great! Now what?
Sometimes when I'm trying to fall asleep I can't help but ponder over what the heck I'm going to end up doing 'when I grow up'. I love music...but I have always thought that out as an option. With music it's either make it or break it. Sure, you do what you love, but I will love my family too and I would like to do what is best for them. It's my calling and I don't want to settle for anything less. So that knocks down one pin. That's scary. Sure I love it, besides the fact that it's similar to music (as far as providing for a family goes), I have never thought I was actually good enough. Journalism? My sister Erin has me thinking about this for a while. Sure sounds appealing. What do you have to do to be a journalist?
I guess my main problem is that I will always underestimate myself no matter what I do. And that's a self problem...I'm working on it (: Give me suggestions, if you have any. Thank You.

Number Four:'s not that big...but it's kinda scary to me. My mission farewell talk. It just seems like it's supposed to be some big last proclamation before I go off onto this noble mission. Sure I love the gospel, but what will I say? Since my dad became bishop, he might let me choose a topic to speak on... I could make that one awkward talk if I wanted too. Ha (:

I believe I will leave it at number four today. No one is probably reading this, or even made it to this point. I'm not crazy good with words...maybe that knocks out Journalism too. Ha. But in the case that you have read this far, thank you (:

Be well.

Sunday, January 24, 2010


Yesterday evening, I went on splits with the missionaries. The lady we went to visit was very interesting and I'm sure she is the kinda person that I will meet on my mission. Not to mention 6 dogs, 2 fish tanks, 2 cats, 1 possum, and this white thing with red eyes. No joke. The house was a zoo, but we were there for a good reason. Everything we said, she would defend and try to prove us wrong. I'm not sure if she was truly interested in the message we had or truly interested in harassing us to make us break down. The fact that both the missionaries I was with were shy didn't help either. We had our meeting at 3:30 and did not get out til 5:30. It was a good conversation at start, but then we started going in circles and she started talking about how cows were happy but how humans weren't and it was just a mess. She had a bunch of different Bibles and theory's and things and it really caused me to think. I don't if that's how most people are, but it really got me to think about what I should study and what I should before I go out, because you never know interested people are in trying to prove you wrong about something.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Maybe 99%. Haha.

I got on here not knowing what to type, but I'm here anyways. That's the case for most of these.If you have an account, every now and then you feel the obligation to blog. I almost wish my blog would write itself, but that could take many wrong turns.
After teaching the deacons for about a month or so, I've learned an important lesson. If you don't have a treat of sometime, then the likely hood that they will pay attention will be far less then if you didn't. Those boys are hard to handle, honestly. It's insane how much energy they have and unfortunately I can see my self in them...:/

I'm so happy I grew up. Some people don't, and it's really annoying. I'm not saying that I'm completely 100% mature, but I see people older than me who are still making stupid decisions and it baffles me. Oh well.

Sunday, January 10, 2010


I sure do enjoy good photography. There is something about good focus and lighting that makes pictures, this world a lot more interesting. These pictures by Kevin Russ are brilliant, as is all his work. The focus and color is not so normal and it really is good art. I watched a documentary titled Helvetica. You can tell the director was all about grpahic design, and so was the film. Helvetica is also a font. You see it everywhere believe it or not. Old phone booth's, street signs, and now on legal forms. It also got into depths about the psychology of it all. Adding that, it made a great film and I was lucky enough to catch it on PBS. This one isn't going to be long, but maybe some pictures can make up for that.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

like a scared little boy

I have so much ahead of me. The other day I was thinking, "What things would change had I moved out when I turned out (or been kicked out)?". Oh man, oh man. Too many things. The first thing I thought of was having to buy my own towels. So funny. Then I thought about laundry, then rent, food, food stuff, bed stuff, A CAR, gas. Oh my gosh...that is not even up to my pay check. I was just shocked. I'm scared i'll be clueless when I come home from the mission, with wondering how taxes, rentals, car payments, mortgages, and all that stuff works. I guess we'll see how I handle. I'm not sure if scared is the right word for that, but it's along those same lines to be honest.
I love the new job. The first week was very successful. There is only one thing I don't like about work. There is'nt always something to do. But honestly, it's clean, organized and everything. There are not too many orders this time of year, so trying to stay busy gets a little hard.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

thanks for calling copies plus, what can i do for you?

That's the typical answer I give whenever I answer the phone at my NEW JOB!
I've been wanting a change (and by change I mean more hours). Since nobody is hiring full-time I ultimately ruled that out and accepted part time work. About five months ago I quit Thorne Printing because it was literally 0 hours a week...yet I was still employed. ?? So I "left". I wrote down the names of all the machines and started a resume. Put them into all the copy centers close and got no calls. So I get a job at Big 5 Sporting Goods....and 8 hours a week. Awesome.
So I kept looking. I received a call on Saturday for an interview and got the job. I like it. I like it a lot. I pretty much know everything except their weird cash registers and UPS, FedEx, and USPS. But it shall come fast. I like the dress code and it's a lot better than wearing a full tie, slacks and shirt at a sporting store...? yeah. So I'm back in the printing business and it feels good.
This made me laugh today:
So our store gets a lot (20 a day?) of the LDS books. Manuals, Books, Etc. And if we mess them up we sometimes have to replace them if the customer is the owner went and bought a stack of Young Women Personal Progress books. We seem to mess those up because the glue that the church puts in those is really crappy. So if we mess those up, we have a good stack behind the counter to replace before they come back. Hahaha. You know you live in Idaho when...

Sunday, January 3, 2010

new post

I have had the most pathetic life here on the blog. Maybe now that I'm not in school, I will be on here more often. Cross your fingers.
A lot has happened and I feel like I should probably write it down so that my life is recorded one way or another. I'll try this again.