I have so much to be thankful for. Honestly, I'm not sure if I could fit it all in one blog. However I am sure of one thing: that I will forget a few things. For reasons unknown, this week I have been constantly thinking about how much God has blessed me with a loving family, the opportunity to be born in the covenant and for the opportunities that have risen in my short life so far. When I think about it, everything I have accomplished or been blessed with, I can trace back to my parents as well as their involvment with staying strong members of the church. This blog post will be about them.
I can't thank my parents enough for making the right decisions in their life and keeping me in line. They love me endlessly and support me in all I do. My Dad has set an amazing example for me. He has accomplished so much, despite his circumstances growing up, and is still inspiring me to achieve more. He fulfills his church callings to it's fullest and believes in me more than you can imagine. Thank You Dad. Thanks to my Mom as well, for being fearless during the time that I was in the hospital. She is one of the bravest ladies I know. She doesn't let me do stupid things, therefore she sincerely loves me. She has this quote in her office and it reminds me of her, entirely. Thank You Mom.
Monday, July 26, 2010
Sunday, July 25, 2010
I have never written about this. Not on a blog, or in writing. Nor have I ever really spoken about it to an audience this small or large. I say that because maybe only two or three people are going to actually take the time to read this, however, I'm publishing it on the internet which the whole world could read if they wanted. It's not a big deal, but I realized I have never said much about it except for small talk with friends and co-workers. My eyes.
You want to know how I really feel about them? I'll tell you. I'll talk about what I hate, what I love and so on. If you know me well, you know why my eyes are different. They are different colors. To some people (i.e. customers, new friends, friends of friends), it's crazy. To some it is awkward and some just think it's cool. Oh, and every now they are pretty to some people...but whatev.
What I Like.
-I like that it sets me apart.
-I honestly like what it says on my drivers license about them.
-I like when people accept the fact that they are different colors and don't ask too many questions.
- I like when people know about my eyes but just don't recognize it anymore (:
What I do not like.
-Customers asking prolonged questions making it uncomfortable.
-People telling other people to look at them and therfore forcing me to look in there eyes (usually strangers) while they look at mine and yeah...weird.
-People constantly thinking I have some sort of vision problem.
-When people want to see what my drivers license looks like. I have honestly done this multiple times.
-Customers start by saying: I don't mean to be rude but.... or Can I ask you a personal question?
All the above are just awkward. I honestly am not sensitive about people talking about them. However, some people just ask some awkward questions and make the whole situation unpleasant. I am proud of them, but mostly depending on the person, it can be an awkward situation. Some people make really cool conversations and I have a great time talking to them about it. It's fun, and I leave the conversation with no feeling of awkwardness whatsoever.
One customer at Copies Plus came into pick up two different posters. One was blue/purple while the other was purple/blue. He complained about the color difference and asked me If I noticed. They were obviously different in color, and I told him they were two different files, therfore the color on each one will vary according to the file. He then proceeded to ask if he thought that the problem with the posters had something to do with my vision. I was confused for a second. "What do you mean Alan?" (he's a regular, so I knew him by name). "Oh you know...your eyes."
In my head "HAHA!". I was laughing out loud, inside. I hadto keep a straight face. It humors me sometimes what people say.
I am totally one hundred percent cool with my eyes. I am not sensitive about them at all, but if you make the situation prolonged and awkward, well, that's different.
In writing this, I hope I don't sound boastfull. I can see how that could be taken that way, but my main goal was to write it down. Put down my feelings that I guess I have never really published.
*One more thing to add to the 'What I do not like' list.
- "Oh! My friends dog has eyes just like yours!"
Hahaha....uhm. Thanks?
You want to know how I really feel about them? I'll tell you. I'll talk about what I hate, what I love and so on. If you know me well, you know why my eyes are different. They are different colors. To some people (i.e. customers, new friends, friends of friends), it's crazy. To some it is awkward and some just think it's cool. Oh, and every now they are pretty to some people...but whatev.
What I Like.
-I like that it sets me apart.
-I honestly like what it says on my drivers license about them.
-I like when people accept the fact that they are different colors and don't ask too many questions.
- I like when people know about my eyes but just don't recognize it anymore (:
What I do not like.
-Customers asking prolonged questions making it uncomfortable.
-People telling other people to look at them and therfore forcing me to look in there eyes (usually strangers) while they look at mine and yeah...weird.
-People constantly thinking I have some sort of vision problem.
-When people want to see what my drivers license looks like. I have honestly done this multiple times.
-Customers start by saying: I don't mean to be rude but.... or Can I ask you a personal question?
All the above are just awkward. I honestly am not sensitive about people talking about them. However, some people just ask some awkward questions and make the whole situation unpleasant. I am proud of them, but mostly depending on the person, it can be an awkward situation. Some people make really cool conversations and I have a great time talking to them about it. It's fun, and I leave the conversation with no feeling of awkwardness whatsoever.
One customer at Copies Plus came into pick up two different posters. One was blue/purple while the other was purple/blue. He complained about the color difference and asked me If I noticed. They were obviously different in color, and I told him they were two different files, therfore the color on each one will vary according to the file. He then proceeded to ask if he thought that the problem with the posters had something to do with my vision. I was confused for a second. "What do you mean Alan?" (he's a regular, so I knew him by name). "Oh you know...your eyes."
In my head "HAHA!". I was laughing out loud, inside. I hadto keep a straight face. It humors me sometimes what people say.
I am totally one hundred percent cool with my eyes. I am not sensitive about them at all, but if you make the situation prolonged and awkward, well, that's different.
In writing this, I hope I don't sound boastfull. I can see how that could be taken that way, but my main goal was to write it down. Put down my feelings that I guess I have never really published.
*One more thing to add to the 'What I do not like' list.
- "Oh! My friends dog has eyes just like yours!"
Hahaha....uhm. Thanks?
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Lumber Jack.
What's the deal with lumber jacks and flannel shirts? Sounds miserable to me. I went, this morning, to chop some wood for the needy. Oh yeah...if you think you can get by with just an axe, think again. You are going to need at least three men with chain-saws if you want any efficiency. It was a wonderful time indeed. However, I didn't wear any plaid or flannel. I'm ok with this. I received some gnarly branch scratches on my legs and some fine sawdust in my socks....lovely. You know, there is something good about hard work. Not that I have ever doubted it, but sometimes it just doesn't sound like the most exciting time, however it is the most gratifying. I'm so glad I was raised in a house where hard work was taught and practiced. As much as I hated this in middle school and maybe even high school a little, bit, my parents were never ones to get us any video games. They preferred entertainment through a different source and expected us to work hard. I thought they were crazy. HA. What a waste of time(video games). Seriously. I don't hate video games. They are actually fun (: Wii, and things like that are way fun at parties, get togethers and even occasional times for leisure! But those fantasy, battle, violent, law-breaking video games where boys get screen face and get mad when people tell them to turn it off? Disgusting. It's obviously so engaging and addicting that they can't interact with anything else besides the game system without throwing a fit. That is what I hate. One of the books I am reading now is called The Dumbest Generation. A good book explaining how much of an advantage kids have now to learn, and amidst the oppurtunities, they are spending money on video games and other useless media. Sure, not all media is bad, but it can get out of control. I could go on for a little longer. I sound like I'm complaning, so I'll stop.
But...I love Wii bowling. Hypocrite? Maybe.
*Honestly, I don't know if I could have found a more fitting picture for this blog. I surprised myself on this one. Click here.
But...I love Wii bowling. Hypocrite? Maybe.
*Honestly, I don't know if I could have found a more fitting picture for this blog. I surprised myself on this one. Click here.
Friday, July 23, 2010
I'm back! ...only for a little while. SO many things have happened since I have last been on this blog and I feel somewhat obligated to update. Besides the fact that I promised someone I would update it, I still feel obligated. So let me cut to the chase...
Number One. I have a mission call....A MISSION CALL! Crazy! I will be serving in the Mendoza, Argentina Mission. Speaking Spanish. It gives me the chills just writing it. Spending two years in a whole different country in a different language terrifies me. I haven't told too many people this but when I opened my mission call, I expected an overwhelming or spiritual rush of a feeling. This was not the case. I felt like a was reading any normal letter...with family surrounding me. Part of me was disappointed. How could I be? It was a mission call! An actual mission call, with President Monsons' 'signature' on it. I'm not sure if it was me or what but it just felt normal. It wasn't until a day or two when I realized that this was the place where I was designed to go. I can honestly say I love this gospel and having the oppurtunity to share of it in a country that has less opportunity than mine does, humbles me.
Oh yeah, I have way cool mission presidents. Check this out:
Number Two: I have a niece! Not sure if I have mentioned this on here before or not. Penelope was born in February and consumes most of the talk at family get togethers. She's the first to be born out of us five children. Pretty exciting. Did I mention she's terribly adorable?
Number Three: I can't stop thinking about this. So maybe writing this down help me get it off my chest? K.
I'm serving a mission. Great! Now what?
Sometimes when I'm trying to fall asleep I can't help but ponder over what the heck I'm going to end up doing 'when I grow up'. I love music...but I have always thought that out as an option. With music it's either make it or break it. Sure, you do what you love, but I will love my family too and I would like to do what is best for them. It's my calling and I don't want to settle for anything less. So that knocks down one pin. Hmmmmm...design? That's scary. Sure I love it, besides the fact that it's similar to music (as far as providing for a family goes), I have never thought I was actually good enough. Journalism? My sister Erin has me thinking about this for a while. Sure sounds appealing. What do you have to do to be a journalist?
I guess my main problem is that I will always underestimate myself no matter what I do. And that's a self problem...I'm working on it (: Give me suggestions, if you have any. Thank You.
Number Four: Ok...it's not that big...but it's kinda scary to me. My mission farewell talk. It just seems like it's supposed to be some big last proclamation before I go off onto this noble mission. Sure I love the gospel, but what will I say? Since my dad became bishop, he might let me choose a topic to speak on... I could make that one awkward talk if I wanted too. Ha (:
I believe I will leave it at number four today. No one is probably reading this, or even made it to this point. I'm not crazy good with words...maybe that knocks out Journalism too. Ha. But in the case that you have read this far, thank you (:
Be well.
Number One. I have a mission call....A MISSION CALL! Crazy! I will be serving in the Mendoza, Argentina Mission. Speaking Spanish. It gives me the chills just writing it. Spending two years in a whole different country in a different language terrifies me. I haven't told too many people this but when I opened my mission call, I expected an overwhelming or spiritual rush of a feeling. This was not the case. I felt like a was reading any normal letter...with family surrounding me. Part of me was disappointed. How could I be? It was a mission call! An actual mission call, with President Monsons' 'signature' on it. I'm not sure if it was me or what but it just felt normal. It wasn't until a day or two when I realized that this was the place where I was designed to go. I can honestly say I love this gospel and having the oppurtunity to share of it in a country that has less opportunity than mine does, humbles me.
Oh yeah, I have way cool mission presidents. Check this out:
Number Two: I have a niece! Not sure if I have mentioned this on here before or not. Penelope was born in February and consumes most of the talk at family get togethers. She's the first to be born out of us five children. Pretty exciting. Did I mention she's terribly adorable?

I'm serving a mission. Great! Now what?
Sometimes when I'm trying to fall asleep I can't help but ponder over what the heck I'm going to end up doing 'when I grow up'. I love music...but I have always thought that out as an option. With music it's either make it or break it. Sure, you do what you love, but I will love my family too and I would like to do what is best for them. It's my calling and I don't want to settle for anything less. So that knocks down one pin. Hmmmmm...design? That's scary. Sure I love it, besides the fact that it's similar to music (as far as providing for a family goes), I have never thought I was actually good enough. Journalism? My sister Erin has me thinking about this for a while. Sure sounds appealing. What do you have to do to be a journalist?
I guess my main problem is that I will always underestimate myself no matter what I do. And that's a self problem...I'm working on it (: Give me suggestions, if you have any. Thank You.
Number Four: Ok...it's not that big...but it's kinda scary to me. My mission farewell talk. It just seems like it's supposed to be some big last proclamation before I go off onto this noble mission. Sure I love the gospel, but what will I say? Since my dad became bishop, he might let me choose a topic to speak on... I could make that one awkward talk if I wanted too. Ha (:
I believe I will leave it at number four today. No one is probably reading this, or even made it to this point. I'm not crazy good with words...maybe that knocks out Journalism too. Ha. But in the case that you have read this far, thank you (:
Be well.
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