Thursday, August 26, 2010

These Are a Few of My Favorite Things

Usually when I write a list of things I like, I can look back it at and squirm. I know this is cliche but what the heck. Of course, each year I look back at myself and roll my eyes. I tend to change. Who doesn't. While in reading the following list, I hope you get a glimpse of who I am.

The Story with Dick Gordon
Good Photography
Catch Me If You Can
Eric Whitacre
Simple Patterns
A Good Voice
The Office
My Family
Brown Paper
Owl City
My Best Friend
Acoustic Music
The True Church
Good Design
Cinnamon Life Cereal
Calla Lillies
Olive Green,
....not together.
Pigs In a Blanket
Toy Story
Good Smelling Shampoo
Sondre Lerche's Lyrics
Jonathon Livingston Seagull
William Joseph
BBQ Sauce
Dan In Real Life.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Short Post.

Truly great friends are hard to find, difficult to leave, and impossible to forget."

I'm not one for quotes. I usually think most of them are too cheesy and irrelevant to me that I just don't care. I especially get annoyed with "Live, Laugh, Love". I'm not much of a morbid person but that one just gets way too annoying. Anyways, I read this quote (the one up top) and it hit me. It stuck with me. It applies to me and I'm forever grateful for good friends...friends who I have come to know and love. This is short post...but I just wanted to put that out there.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Sunscreen. Check.

Thermometer. Check.

Anti-fungus Cream. Check

Vaseline. Check.


Maybe I am the only person ever who thinks this is funny. But I'm posting anyways. Today Me and Melissa went shopping for all the 'essentials' for the mission. No, nothing weird, just soap and sanitizer, and shampoo and so forth. It was my very first experience buying dental floss. For myself. I have used it before (duh). But who goes to the grocery store for floss? Usually I use get the free stuff in my goodie bag at the dentist. Yay (!?).

"I've never bought floss you want mint or plain??", she said.

Hahahahahahaha!!! We both laughed.

"Mint, it smells better."

(It was me.)

I'm going to miss having someone who understands my humor all day. It's great knowing someone like Melissa, who will laugh at my jokes even when they are not funny. Maybe I will have a few companions who will get some jokes here and there, or who used to be full time stand up comedians. That would be sweet.

Oh well. Either way, I'm going to miss it.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Me vs. Pizza

I'm so indecisive. At least, in the last 20 minutes I was.

Today I cleaned the garage, put the iPod in and listened to some real great music. It's not a disaster but it sure is a mess! Wow. Almost all of the junk was cardboard boxes anyways. What a shame I don't recycle. Recycling should be made more accessible, yes? Even at Copies Plus we don't recycle, main reason being it's too expensive. However I do think we would get a lot more business if we were the only copy center that went "green". Wow, listen to me ramble. Anyways, I was cleaning the garage and I got sooo hungry. Particularly hungry for food that is fatty and unhealthy but terribly delicious. Ugh. My mother was out getting lunch with her sister, so I'm sure that If I called her and asked for lunch she would just bring me something back! Right? Hahahaha, no.
So I went to trusty Google. 'dominos nampa, id'. BAM. The phone number was pretty much in my cell phone already and Brian picked up the phone. 'Hello Brian'. After a 20 second conversation, I was informed that they will only deliever a medium pizza. Not a small. Not worth it!
So it was frozen burritos for me today :/ I swear, one of these days I'm going to be super sneaky and order a pizza all by myself. I mean, be honest. Which kid has not dreamt of ordering pizza when everyone is gone? Call me crazy.

On the upside, the garage looks fantastic.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


When I turned 18, a year ago, I did'nt feel very different. At all. In fact I remember feeling just as normal as if it was another normal day. Yesterday, I felt different. Nothing magical or weird, but the fact I was nineteen took me by surprise I guess. I like birthdays, but I'm not a huge fan of birthday parties, my own that is. But If you are having a party please invite me. I like going to those! Yesterday was just what I wanted though. A yummy dinner, with Melissa and my family. I know it's not about presents, but let me express my thanks by telling you what I was given on my birthday.
Ana gave me a bag a gum balls and foudn batteries for my metronome. Sweet.
Marie gave me the new Jack Johnson CD. I have not had the chance to listen quite yet but I'm sure it will be great.
Melissa gave a me a classy tie, which will look terribly nice in a black suit. It's cute, and I am super excited to sport my new neck tie. I also got (drum roll)....a funnel cake maker! What?! It's so great, and it was totally unexpected! (: I can't wait to make me some cakes. Me and Melissa have a guilty pleasure of funnel cakes at fairs. Since most fairs are too expensive for me atleast, this was the perfect gift. NOM NOM NOM NOM. (Thank You!)
My parents gave me a beautiful journal. For my mission of course, but it has pages to write certain things and blank pages (obviously) to write in and take with me. It's really an amazing looking journal and I am looking forward to filling it out. One page of this journal started to make me laugh. On one side of the page is says Before My Mission, followed by a blank white box, where I'm supposed to insert a picture. The next one reads: (as you can guess) After My Mission. Hahahaha, for some reason I find that humorous. I hope I don't gain too much weight, but who evers idea that was, to add that in the missionary journal, thank you. Thanks for all the birthday wishes, and whoever celebrated with me.

*Oh. Special Thanks to Erin, Harrison and Penny for sending me the Dora the Explorer birthday card.

The front: It's Your Birthday! Es Tu Compleanos!
The inside: Dance around and sing out loud
Come on, girl, you should be proud -
you're another year older!
Of course, Dora is doing the tango and Boots is doing a hand stand. Sweet.

Saturday, August 7, 2010


This last week has been refreshing. I went to cancer camp.
Ok, but seriously, cancer camp is an unbelievable place. Going there as a camper, for eight years, I loved it. We ice skated, shot arrows, rode bikes, raided girls cabins, ate camp food, sang at campfire. . . it was perfect. It was all glittery and great, an all of the above. I came home every year from the week long camp talking about it the next following months and a card full of pictures and videos. You are given everything you want. It's free and transportation is provided and its not about cancer. It's for cancer survivors, children in particular...up to the age of 17. I grew up loving every bit of camp. So I'm eighteen (Heck, I'm almost nineteen. . .scary). . . so now what? I volunteer, a junior counselor is what I am. The best way to describe the transition from camper to counselor is the metaphor that follows:

Every kid that goes to Disney World loves it. Disney World is the happiest place on earth. Or is that Disneyland? Well, either way, kids love it. It's fun, positive, crazy and even magical. Little do the kids know all the work that is put into making Disney World a magical place. Underneath Disney Land there is a break room, offices and lockers. People running the shows, the lights and most importantly Mickey and Minnie themselves, are demanding hours. There are labor unions, people hate their boss, people call in sick and so on.

At camp, people don't hate or even have bosses, but it takes so much work to put on a week long camp with kids who have suffered mental a physical pain due to cancer. I'm fortunate to have not been as hurt as some other kids have been diagnosed with cancer. I never thought of camp as a week get away where I can get away. I just liked it. Camp was great. It still is. However, now that I am a junior counselor, my role at has changed dramatically. Instead of my every want being satisfied, I'm satisfying the kids needs. It's sometimes a pain and I find my self anxious for bed time. Some of these kids come from homes where attention and love is scarce. That itself give me motivation to give the kids a week long camp full of love. Camp was great. We wrote songs, played drums, trashed the girls cabins and watched stars 'til three in the morning. I'm tired, and I miss the kids, and even sad that they have to go back to their homes where some of them don't enjoy life. Not a lot of people can really comprehend what camp is until you experience it yourself. I'm so glad I had the opportunity to give a week of my time to kids who need it. I feel refreshed and most of all, blessed.