Thursday, May 29, 2008

congrats dallan!

ahh! dallan graduated...crazy. im not going to have a sibling high school anymore. that is seriously sad. when i saw him walk i cross i started getting teary eyed. yeah, hes growing up way to fast. but im really happy for him, he graduated in the the top ten of his class, dont know where exactly but thats what we know. it was crazy tho, im definitely excited for him to serve a mission, but that means i wont see him for THREE YEARS.... ): thats too long, but its all for a good reason. ahh...
anyways...maybe i should look on the positive side! (: it was awesome, that kid is going farther and he is going to be richer than me for sure...haha

* congratulations again dallan (:

Monday, May 19, 2008


what a day saturday was.
so i had parade america at nine in the morning, i forced myself into my cream marching band outfit and headed to the school. and we didnt have to wear jackets, so i had to wear my nasty marching band t-shirt (man, every thing we wear in marching band is just gross). I usually wear it for painting or something and i had a weird stain in in the middle so i didnt look to hot. but it was all good, i wasnt trying to impress the parade people or anything, i just wanted to get it overwith. good times. after sweating it up in the sun i took off my shoes to reveal my sore (and somewhat blistering) feet. it! and then i headed over to the park where my dad was running the "childrens mental health awarness day". i think him and the mayor are good buddies now, they were talking about guinea pigs when i heard them talking, so yeah. i guess thats cool.

oh dude, and it was so stinking hot after i got home. so i took a cold shower got dressed and then went to see prince caspian. man, that movie was killer! thought it was better then the first one, for sure. i really liked watching the movie with my friends. good times. and then i went home, ate a lot of food and went to bed. tiring day but it was still great (:

Thursday, May 15, 2008


oh man, today was sooo tiring. it felt like two days... was SO good! i wont tell you exactly why, partly cause i dont know why today was amazing. but it just was. i was so happy and ah, everything went right and the weather was gorgeous!! (:

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

idol finale

ah! both davids made it to the finale! and now i have a confession...*gasp!
my inclanation is leaning towards david cook now. i appreciate his originality and his forced kinda voice.
but whoever wins ill be happy, and ill probably buy both of their albums anyways. so thats it for now.

Monday, May 12, 2008


i know its a day late...regardless, I love you Mom!

Saturday, May 10, 2008


*in honor of the red dress and my red tux, ill be writing this red as well. (:

prom was so much fun!!! it was freakin fun and it just made me more excited for next year.

so i picked up my date (melissa fitzen, for those who dont know) at her house. and we matched so perfectly. our shades of red probably came off of the same roll of fabric.
on our way to pictures my buddy chris was freaking out over directions as i tried to calm him down. we found it way fast, so no worries. and then i escorted melissa to our picture place. it was kinda fun cuz it was like a walk in the park, oh yeah. it was a very pretty park and the weather was absolutley gorgeous, to make things better. then we went to eat and after arriving there earlier then expected, we walked down town so i could show everrbody how freakin hot we looked in our outfits. i think we got tired of walking so we left to eat and the lasagna was mmmmmmm. but too filling too fast. i felt like a wimp only eating half of my meal, and chris sat next to me eating everything on his plate. but if i ate anymore i would bust, and i dont think melissa would have appreciated me busting. kinda gross. we met this really really nice old couple at the resteraunt. they were really interested in our date and were asking us questions and stuff. it was kinda cute. they left the resteraunt as we finished dinner. heres the cool part about dinner tho: after getting our bill, our waitress told us that that old couple had paid forty dollars of our bill! so the bill was only twenty dollars total! woo, it was really freakin sweet. if i had known it would have been cheap, i would have ordered some nice wine to go along with it. just kidding, thats horrible. but, it was really amazing. and the dance was pretty sweet as well. definitley pretty inside and it was cool to see everyone dressed up for prom and their hair done and stuff. i definitley saw some...interesting dancing too, but we wont go there. overall i had a freakin fun time. and it was fun going with her and going at a time when it seemed like everything was busy.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

american idol

1st performances...

David C- i was excited about the song choice, and then i was let down. out of all the songs he could have chosen that was bad choice.

Syesha- just ok...good vocals but the coreography looked staged and corny. she struggled to keep up towrards the end.

Jason- yeah...if you watched i think you would agree. horrible.

David A.- definitley best performance so far, and his vocal were killer. flawless note changes and no tone issues. way to go.

2nd performances...

David C.- really good when he goes high. really short, and there was definitley some tone issues towards the end. ok

Syesha- wow, towards the end it was really good. but it still wasnt a hot performance for me. i think she thinks that she did amazing but it really wasnt. judges liked it, but i didnt.

Jason- i liked it. it was'nt horrible at all. but my friend and the judges didnt agree, so i think im alone on this one.

David A.- haha, my dad predicted thats what he would sing. he did a goob job and was the beset performer of the night. hands down

mowing lawns

i dis-like lawn mowing. especially today.
every week i walk down to a lady in ward's house to mow her lawn. i usually dont mind mowing lawns, but today was kinda a different story. i couldnt go two rows without having to tip it on its side, clean it out with my hands and then re-start it. besides that, it was being a gas hog today. it was empty before i could get half the back lawn done. urg! the grass was thick and it would'nt go in the bag, and if anything else was going to wrong i would give up. it started to lightly rain after that and the self-propel feature stopped working. now its getting really fun. i was about halfway-through the back when the mp3 player died on me. (: ...i cant wait to go back and mow next week...

Monday, May 5, 2008

taco trucks, astro jumps & crappy brownies

oh man, cinco de mayo is crazy. I think that it is America's excuse to have burritos and have drinks cause honestly, that is all we do. If Cinco De Mayo were celebrated a bit differently than i might consider it a holiday. dont get me wrong, i love mexican food, tamales, burritos...mmmm. At my high-school the b.e.s.o club puts on some festivities behind the school. ( i think b.e.s.o stand for bi-lingual...uhm...something something ) anyways, they have dancers an astro jump and a taco truck. If there is anyone that can tell me how astro-jumps are mexican related i would be happy to listen. and the dancers were.... a little, to put it nicely i would say they were a little suggestive. haha, didnt want to say anything in case any of you dancers are reading my blog. In spanish class, we got to explore the festivities. I found some friends to talk to, that was fun. I didnt want to waste my time in line of the taco truck tho, it was soooo long. I would have rather went home, made some tacos and came back if i could drive. After i walked my friend backed to their class, i went to the band room and played the star-spangled banner on the piano. idk, if that really suited the occasion, but thats ok. its a pretty arrangment... (: oh dude, and then when it came time for dinner, we ate tacos in honor of cinco de mayo. it was pretty great.
so for family home evening we went to sonic and planned our week. it i guess. i took two sips of my cherry limade and then that was it. i get accused of never eating from my friend melissa, but little does she know how much i eat when i get home. i think i had like freakin, three huge brownies when i got home...they are addicting. they have like marshmallows and pretzels and just a bunch of crap on them. well they arent crappy...they just look like it until you take a bite. then they are awesome tho. credit to my sister erin for making them on sunday.

just an FYI: i posted a song of no air on my blog home page....i dont think its the real version. forgive me. its like uhm...idk, it sounds weird. but w/e.

american idol is tomorrow. sweet...but i have to mow a lawn tomorrow too...not so sweet.

anywho, i think i should get to bed, it just turned 9:00... way past my bed time. haha

happy cinco de mayo

¡happy cinco de mayo!

¡Feliz Cinco De Mayo, espero que cada uno tuviera diversión el comer del tacos, y mirar al club español demostrar a algún natural baila!

reasons i dislike math - for sandra

one: x isnt a number, its a letter

two: after learning on thing, you forget it and move on to another. there is no universal rule

three: when will i use logarithimic change of base in the future?

four: if imaginary numbers are imaginary, then how can we use them.

five: it is just...yeah.

ah, the joys of math.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

American Idol

Anyone else following Idol this season? Well im not a complete addict of the show, its just this random season that im following. I heard there was a mormon kid on it and thats when i started. It is down to the final four, and i can already predict the outcome to the top two. Its between two davids, d.cook and d.archuleta. They both kick butt, however im set on archuleta taking it all and soon becoming the next Idol. Another contestant is Jason Castro, who has nasty dreadlocks and girl face...good voice tho, and i guess thats all that matters. I believe the them for tues. is rock n' roll, but thats just what i have heard. If so, david c. will take it all and leave jason in the gutter. Maybe i shouldnt make predicitions before the actual show, cause if im wrong, ill look like an idiot. Oh well. I think that song choice doesnt matter as much as fan base does. Each contestant has created huge fan bases and now it just depends on who liked them before instead of the actual performances.

i dont know what to put here

School has become easy this year. I'm only taking one AP class and it seems as though there is less and less to do the more we go into the year. So blogging will be my kill time for now. Nothing is more exciting than reading about other peoples lives, so i said "why not?". Right now, i feel like a baked potato...(is that spelled right?) Im really really hot and bored. However, with a little bit of ingredients, life could become exciting quickly.
Last weekend, i had state solo competition out in Boise. Man, there was some tough competition...i wasnt expecting to win tho. I heard some pa-retty amazing voices. I was suprised I even made it that far, the only reason I really did it was for my choir teacher. I guess I should listen to her more often. haha. It was worth the practice and drive. Its a battle right now for me to decide which i like better, band or choir. I am so much better in band and I can probably grow alot more than in choir. Our band program has really prooven itself worthy the last few years, however our, not so much. As for choir, the people are a bit more...normal. I really like the people in choir and the kind of humor they bring. Band has created a culture of kids who think that its funny to eat mountain dew and pixie sticks all day...i find that gross. bleah. In choir we drink water, and only water. It is great. I am definitley not looking forward to anymore concerts this year, i think that we have overestimated our ability to perform...but i might be of those two. Which ever one it is, we are definitley in for some type of train wreck at eithier of the concerts. The only exciting thing about this next band concert is the announcement of the show, thats about it. I think ill be suprised, but still be delighted. We are loosing some very talented seniors this year, so hopefully everyone in band can do a pull up and step it up a notch.
Feliz Quatro De Mayo.