Monday, May 19, 2008


what a day saturday was.
so i had parade america at nine in the morning, i forced myself into my cream marching band outfit and headed to the school. and we didnt have to wear jackets, so i had to wear my nasty marching band t-shirt (man, every thing we wear in marching band is just gross). I usually wear it for painting or something and i had a weird stain in in the middle so i didnt look to hot. but it was all good, i wasnt trying to impress the parade people or anything, i just wanted to get it overwith. good times. after sweating it up in the sun i took off my shoes to reveal my sore (and somewhat blistering) feet. it! and then i headed over to the park where my dad was running the "childrens mental health awarness day". i think him and the mayor are good buddies now, they were talking about guinea pigs when i heard them talking, so yeah. i guess thats cool.

oh dude, and it was so stinking hot after i got home. so i took a cold shower got dressed and then went to see prince caspian. man, that movie was killer! thought it was better then the first one, for sure. i really liked watching the movie with my friends. good times. and then i went home, ate a lot of food and went to bed. tiring day but it was still great (:

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