Sunday, October 12, 2008

i decided to make a list

i decided to make a list of things that make me happy, since i am in a good mood (: so here we go. maybe i will delete this post after i read it tomorrow and realize how tired i was...

soft cookies, taking pictures, dressing up nicely, music, cute smiles, my siblings, pretty food, the smell of girls hair after a shower, SNL, nice cell phones, big quilts, grand pianos, musicals, really good choirs, the church, when i remember the answer to a question on a test, my friends, my best friend, mcdonalds french fries, days off, scooters, nampa id, cool ties, DCI, fireplaces, fast computers, my drivers license, my van with purple spots, good singers, huge auditoriums, working out, american movies, cute songs, long hugs, getting mail (not from a university), and christmas music.



i love marching band. thats why i am in it. we went down to pocatello this weekend to compete. now in marching band there are divisions , just like high schools are divided into...2a, 3a...etc. anyways...we were a 4a band. We took first in percussion, gaurd, music, and overall. visual went to some band from elko, but we kicked their butts, so oh well (: we performed in a dome, so it was really loud, made us look bigger than we really were. so it was way sweet!!! we beat a bunch of 5a bands, it was sweet. over all we took third...a very milestone for skyview marching band. i must give credit to, she is a freakin awesome director.  it was fun. my room stayed up till two in the morning watching project runway. i never realized how addicting a fashion show could be. i mean, four guys watching project runway? yeah, i thought it wouldnt ever happen ethier, but it was soo good. too bad i am missing the finale.

so in whenever my drum coach tried texting pocatello, it always came out smacatello. it was funny, so thats why its named that (: haha

it was freaking cold! it was all snowy and blizzardy and crazy.  i was wearing three jackets and still a little shiver. it was crazy! (:
im in a really good mood (: i just talked to my good friend and my sister.

sorry everyone

i havent written in how long? someone tell me. 
well two reasons. number one: im a slacker, i start something cause i think its cool, and then i forget and let down everyone (: but i hope you all forgive me (: this blog was inspired my erin and melissa. melissa for reminding me about keeping on journaling, so i said why not whip out the blog. and erin cause she told me too. haha
number two: im busy, senior year, band....pretty crazy. so if you want a quick update thus far, ill try to keep writing. here we go:

start of school: great! busy, i am a senior, so it feels kinda weird. junior year was my favorite year tho i think.

marching band: i thought we were going to be horrible to be honest. but much to my suprise, we have taken first everytime (i probably just cursed us for monday)....but we are beating many 5A bands so thats cool.

homecoming: it was pretty fun (: we matched pretty well...we both wore black...ha! fun times.

my sister: she is married. it is awesome, he is awesome, and i heard their house was pretty awesomly cute. so yeah. sucks that they live so far, but thats good when your married. i should have written a blog about this a long time ago.

work: work is alright. its boring, and thats why its called work, but i guess making copies and laminating stuff twice a week is a pretty freakin good deal for being in school too.

so yeah, i hope that answers some questions. im so busy (: but ill try to start it up again...with all my...."free time" (: thanks for reading