Sunday, October 12, 2008


i love marching band. thats why i am in it. we went down to pocatello this weekend to compete. now in marching band there are divisions , just like high schools are divided into...2a, 3a...etc. anyways...we were a 4a band. We took first in percussion, gaurd, music, and overall. visual went to some band from elko, but we kicked their butts, so oh well (: we performed in a dome, so it was really loud, made us look bigger than we really were. so it was way sweet!!! we beat a bunch of 5a bands, it was sweet. over all we took third...a very milestone for skyview marching band. i must give credit to, she is a freakin awesome director.  it was fun. my room stayed up till two in the morning watching project runway. i never realized how addicting a fashion show could be. i mean, four guys watching project runway? yeah, i thought it wouldnt ever happen ethier, but it was soo good. too bad i am missing the finale.

so in whenever my drum coach tried texting pocatello, it always came out smacatello. it was funny, so thats why its named that (: haha

it was freaking cold! it was all snowy and blizzardy and crazy.  i was wearing three jackets and still a little shiver. it was crazy! (:
im in a really good mood (: i just talked to my good friend and my sister.

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