Sunday, January 24, 2010


Yesterday evening, I went on splits with the missionaries. The lady we went to visit was very interesting and I'm sure she is the kinda person that I will meet on my mission. Not to mention 6 dogs, 2 fish tanks, 2 cats, 1 possum, and this white thing with red eyes. No joke. The house was a zoo, but we were there for a good reason. Everything we said, she would defend and try to prove us wrong. I'm not sure if she was truly interested in the message we had or truly interested in harassing us to make us break down. The fact that both the missionaries I was with were shy didn't help either. We had our meeting at 3:30 and did not get out til 5:30. It was a good conversation at start, but then we started going in circles and she started talking about how cows were happy but how humans weren't and it was just a mess. She had a bunch of different Bibles and theory's and things and it really caused me to think. I don't if that's how most people are, but it really got me to think about what I should study and what I should before I go out, because you never know interested people are in trying to prove you wrong about something.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Maybe 99%. Haha.

I got on here not knowing what to type, but I'm here anyways. That's the case for most of these.If you have an account, every now and then you feel the obligation to blog. I almost wish my blog would write itself, but that could take many wrong turns.
After teaching the deacons for about a month or so, I've learned an important lesson. If you don't have a treat of sometime, then the likely hood that they will pay attention will be far less then if you didn't. Those boys are hard to handle, honestly. It's insane how much energy they have and unfortunately I can see my self in them...:/

I'm so happy I grew up. Some people don't, and it's really annoying. I'm not saying that I'm completely 100% mature, but I see people older than me who are still making stupid decisions and it baffles me. Oh well.

Sunday, January 10, 2010


I sure do enjoy good photography. There is something about good focus and lighting that makes pictures, this world a lot more interesting. These pictures by Kevin Russ are brilliant, as is all his work. The focus and color is not so normal and it really is good art. I watched a documentary titled Helvetica. You can tell the director was all about grpahic design, and so was the film. Helvetica is also a font. You see it everywhere believe it or not. Old phone booth's, street signs, and now on legal forms. It also got into depths about the psychology of it all. Adding that, it made a great film and I was lucky enough to catch it on PBS. This one isn't going to be long, but maybe some pictures can make up for that.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

like a scared little boy

I have so much ahead of me. The other day I was thinking, "What things would change had I moved out when I turned out (or been kicked out)?". Oh man, oh man. Too many things. The first thing I thought of was having to buy my own towels. So funny. Then I thought about laundry, then rent, food, food stuff, bed stuff, A CAR, gas. Oh my gosh...that is not even up to my pay check. I was just shocked. I'm scared i'll be clueless when I come home from the mission, with wondering how taxes, rentals, car payments, mortgages, and all that stuff works. I guess we'll see how I handle. I'm not sure if scared is the right word for that, but it's along those same lines to be honest.
I love the new job. The first week was very successful. There is only one thing I don't like about work. There is'nt always something to do. But honestly, it's clean, organized and everything. There are not too many orders this time of year, so trying to stay busy gets a little hard.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

thanks for calling copies plus, what can i do for you?

That's the typical answer I give whenever I answer the phone at my NEW JOB!
I've been wanting a change (and by change I mean more hours). Since nobody is hiring full-time I ultimately ruled that out and accepted part time work. About five months ago I quit Thorne Printing because it was literally 0 hours a week...yet I was still employed. ?? So I "left". I wrote down the names of all the machines and started a resume. Put them into all the copy centers close and got no calls. So I get a job at Big 5 Sporting Goods....and 8 hours a week. Awesome.
So I kept looking. I received a call on Saturday for an interview and got the job. I like it. I like it a lot. I pretty much know everything except their weird cash registers and UPS, FedEx, and USPS. But it shall come fast. I like the dress code and it's a lot better than wearing a full tie, slacks and shirt at a sporting store...? yeah. So I'm back in the printing business and it feels good.
This made me laugh today:
So our store gets a lot (20 a day?) of the LDS books. Manuals, Books, Etc. And if we mess them up we sometimes have to replace them if the customer is the owner went and bought a stack of Young Women Personal Progress books. We seem to mess those up because the glue that the church puts in those is really crappy. So if we mess those up, we have a good stack behind the counter to replace before they come back. Hahaha. You know you live in Idaho when...

Sunday, January 3, 2010

new post

I have had the most pathetic life here on the blog. Maybe now that I'm not in school, I will be on here more often. Cross your fingers.
A lot has happened and I feel like I should probably write it down so that my life is recorded one way or another. I'll try this again.