Tuesday, May 6, 2008

american idol

1st performances...

David C- i was excited about the song choice, and then i was let down. out of all the songs he could have chosen that was bad choice.

Syesha- just ok...good vocals but the coreography looked staged and corny. she struggled to keep up towrards the end.

Jason- yeah...if you watched i think you would agree. horrible.

David A.- definitley best performance so far, and his vocal were killer. flawless note changes and no tone issues. way to go.

2nd performances...

David C.- really good when he goes high. really short, and there was definitley some tone issues towards the end. ok

Syesha- wow, towards the end it was really good. but it still wasnt a hot performance for me. i think she thinks that she did amazing but it really wasnt. judges liked it, but i didnt.

Jason- i liked it. it was'nt horrible at all. but my friend and the judges didnt agree, so i think im alone on this one.

David A.- haha, my dad predicted thats what he would sing. he did a goob job and was the beset performer of the night. hands down

1 comment:

Mike, Kerry, Sam or Jake said...

Ok Jay, Kerry here. Did you catch David A. calling his pants "church pants" it was so funny and so Mormon.