Sunday, May 4, 2008

i dont know what to put here

School has become easy this year. I'm only taking one AP class and it seems as though there is less and less to do the more we go into the year. So blogging will be my kill time for now. Nothing is more exciting than reading about other peoples lives, so i said "why not?". Right now, i feel like a baked potato...(is that spelled right?) Im really really hot and bored. However, with a little bit of ingredients, life could become exciting quickly.
Last weekend, i had state solo competition out in Boise. Man, there was some tough competition...i wasnt expecting to win tho. I heard some pa-retty amazing voices. I was suprised I even made it that far, the only reason I really did it was for my choir teacher. I guess I should listen to her more often. haha. It was worth the practice and drive. Its a battle right now for me to decide which i like better, band or choir. I am so much better in band and I can probably grow alot more than in choir. Our band program has really prooven itself worthy the last few years, however our, not so much. As for choir, the people are a bit more...normal. I really like the people in choir and the kind of humor they bring. Band has created a culture of kids who think that its funny to eat mountain dew and pixie sticks all day...i find that gross. bleah. In choir we drink water, and only water. It is great. I am definitley not looking forward to anymore concerts this year, i think that we have overestimated our ability to perform...but i might be of those two. Which ever one it is, we are definitley in for some type of train wreck at eithier of the concerts. The only exciting thing about this next band concert is the announcement of the show, thats about it. I think ill be suprised, but still be delighted. We are loosing some very talented seniors this year, so hopefully everyone in band can do a pull up and step it up a notch.
Feliz Quatro De Mayo.