Monday, May 5, 2008

taco trucks, astro jumps & crappy brownies

oh man, cinco de mayo is crazy. I think that it is America's excuse to have burritos and have drinks cause honestly, that is all we do. If Cinco De Mayo were celebrated a bit differently than i might consider it a holiday. dont get me wrong, i love mexican food, tamales, burritos...mmmm. At my high-school the b.e.s.o club puts on some festivities behind the school. ( i think b.e.s.o stand for bi-lingual...uhm...something something ) anyways, they have dancers an astro jump and a taco truck. If there is anyone that can tell me how astro-jumps are mexican related i would be happy to listen. and the dancers were.... a little, to put it nicely i would say they were a little suggestive. haha, didnt want to say anything in case any of you dancers are reading my blog. In spanish class, we got to explore the festivities. I found some friends to talk to, that was fun. I didnt want to waste my time in line of the taco truck tho, it was soooo long. I would have rather went home, made some tacos and came back if i could drive. After i walked my friend backed to their class, i went to the band room and played the star-spangled banner on the piano. idk, if that really suited the occasion, but thats ok. its a pretty arrangment... (: oh dude, and then when it came time for dinner, we ate tacos in honor of cinco de mayo. it was pretty great.
so for family home evening we went to sonic and planned our week. it i guess. i took two sips of my cherry limade and then that was it. i get accused of never eating from my friend melissa, but little does she know how much i eat when i get home. i think i had like freakin, three huge brownies when i got home...they are addicting. they have like marshmallows and pretzels and just a bunch of crap on them. well they arent crappy...they just look like it until you take a bite. then they are awesome tho. credit to my sister erin for making them on sunday.

just an FYI: i posted a song of no air on my blog home page....i dont think its the real version. forgive me. its like uhm...idk, it sounds weird. but w/e.

american idol is tomorrow. sweet...but i have to mow a lawn tomorrow too...not so sweet.

anywho, i think i should get to bed, it just turned 9:00... way past my bed time. haha

happy cinco de mayo


Garity said...

Hey Jay! I've linked to you....ummmm is that totally embarassing that your Aunt has linked your blog to hers? Tough break! Don't worry, I won't snoop too much!

melissa ashley valle said...

good call letting you sister make the brownies - since you always BURN them! haha (: you should share