Sunday, October 12, 2008

i decided to make a list

i decided to make a list of things that make me happy, since i am in a good mood (: so here we go. maybe i will delete this post after i read it tomorrow and realize how tired i was...

soft cookies, taking pictures, dressing up nicely, music, cute smiles, my siblings, pretty food, the smell of girls hair after a shower, SNL, nice cell phones, big quilts, grand pianos, musicals, really good choirs, the church, when i remember the answer to a question on a test, my friends, my best friend, mcdonalds french fries, days off, scooters, nampa id, cool ties, DCI, fireplaces, fast computers, my drivers license, my van with purple spots, good singers, huge auditoriums, working out, american movies, cute songs, long hugs, getting mail (not from a university), and christmas music.


1 comment:

Garity said...

Loving your list
Soft there any other way?
Micky D's fries...oh yea
DCI...loved watching so many of my friends who performed with The Cavaliers, Phantom Reg, Blue Devils, and Madison the free tickets were nice, kicking myself for not getting into it after HS either. Are you going to join one of the corps? Please say that you are!