Saturday, February 21, 2009

it'e been a while

it's been a while since i have done many things

-written in the blog
-felt inspired like nothing else
-talk to erin on the phone
-been stressed and happy
-worked twice a week

i think the main reason i have not written in here lately is because of the few exciting and not so exciting things happening in my life. so around earlier february i took a little trip-aroo to spokane. with two of my best friends ever, chelsea and melissa. we explored some really lame malls, but besides that, there was not a few five minutes that went by with them where i didn't laugh, or use the voice. (those who know me too well will know what the voice is) we went to a little thing called all nw. okay, maybe it's not all that little, but it was still rather amazing. allow me to explain, basically it an audition group pulling auditions from all across the northwest to create a band (in my case). they also had choirs there too. i was so happy, that my two friends came with me.the chances that all of us going together were kinda unlikely because i really didn't expect to make such a group to be quite honest. my director, gary green, has done many many numerous honor groups. including many all-state groups as well. he was sooo inspirational. it's going to be very hard to explain how genius this man was. he was very intense, but he knew music like the back of his hand. i mean this was a guy who was raised in a normal schooling and came to the top of everything. and those are the people i admire most. some quotes he said, made the band all teary.
'beautiful music can only come in direct contact with silence'- green
'use this [your head], and play from here [your heart]'- green
'no note is ever the same'- green
'music is the anticipation of what's to come ... and so is life.' freen
when he said these i was like.....BAM! smack in the musical face.
probably one of my favorite parts, (and experiences...ever) was playing lux aruqume by eric whitacre, one of my all-time favorite composers. i mean all time. this guy is the owner of beautiful music. and he's still young. it was such a beautiful moment playing that piece. even though it required no percussion, it was still my favorite piece. anyone who knows what all nw is, its a group that sounds so good that its unbearable. i cried three times in spokane when we listening to whitacre's piece. most of the time it was just glazy eyes, but still! good stuff. i could go on for a long time of some stuff i learned and people i got to see/meet (like z. randall stroppe, andrew boysen jr., garwood whaely) but it would take too much time. i would add some sweet sweet photos but blogger is being really stupid at the moment.

erin called me the other day and it made my day! we were just talking and me and her realized that she would be down in idaho during my play! how exciting! i more excited that she will be able to see it than i am about the play itself. i like the people, and the atmosphere of the play. we just are not getting the ball rolling to quickly. but i think it will come together. you have to look at it this way.

-half the cast has not been on a stage before
-we switched directors during the play
-we currently ONLY have two rehearsals a week.

given those three circumstances, i don't blame many people for how time-crunched we are for this show. but it is getting me worried. i'm partially at fault however too. i still think i have yet to break really into my character and i still need to finally roll of book. it's a slow start. hopefully the play comes along. the music is also driving the show. most shows, the dialogue starts and then heats up making the character break into song. this show however starts with songs and creates the curve of the story in between those. the play is entitled "dream". a musical adaption of a mid-summers night dream. puck, my character is a little creepy to honest. i have a lot of fun making people miserable (on-stage) but it's a very exhausting character. much energy is put into playing that little guy. i am stressed with the show and my ap class. haha, one of them is ap but no-one knows it is. haha. so maybe i should say my ap class. with no 'es'. ha.

so i usually work on tuesday(after school) and saturday (all day) every week at thorne printing. my job. but for the past few months they would call me during school and tell me i didnt have to come in. so i was like ok cool. but it happened over and over. i was starting to get worried. so i got called in for a meeting with my manager. she explained that the shop would be closing on saturdays (when i worked) and that they would just call me when they need me. which is like...never, right? maybe i should take this as a sign to find a new job or a cheap way of trying to lay me off? heck, i know i'm in high school and jobs don't matter too much since i'm not supporting a family or anything, but if you are going to give me the axe, might as well give it to me fast instead of a nice, slow one. gah, i don't even like the people i work with. i do it for the money so i can go serve a mish already. but then again, who does it for the co-workers, right?

and my last subject, i promise: sadies!
i got asked to sadies,,, i was so worried no one would ask me!!! haha, totally kidding. but i do know people who are like that and it annoys me a tiny bit. but i did get asked my best friend melissa. me and her have a fascination with making fun of pokemon. it's pretty entertaining. so she made me a dvd and read-a-long book of a pokemon tribute to me. she took the pokemon theme song and replaced the words askingme to sadies pretty much. i coud not stop smiling/laughing when i read the book. it was ultra-cheese! but ultra-cute and hilarious as well. probably the best way i have seen anyone ask/answer ever! hilarious stuff i tell you. :)

anyways, i stayed up waaay later than i had expected i thought i was tired until i drank water and now i am somewhat awake. luckily church is at two! i'm starting to use the keyboard as a pillow so i should probably head out. thanks for reading.

see ya later crocidile
in a while alligator

(said in the voice)...
HA! oh man that's funny


melissa ashley valle said...
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melissa ashley valle said... messed up the end of your thing...did you do that on purpose?? it is see ya later alligator, in a while crocidile (: lol...anyways. glad you liked my book, cuz it was so fun to make!!! and i agree ultra cheesy!!! haha. your answer made me laugh too. just fyi.

Erin Dougal said...

You are such a WEIRDO! You make me laugh. Well, now I don't want to see your play since it's not going to be very good. You should tell everyone I'm coming, so they better step it up. Haha, just kidding. And your picture there makes it hard to read things btw. And you misspelled alot of things. But I really do love you. I'm so excited to come. Harrison might come too it looks like! There's this little surfer dude that comes into Albertson's- he's like 2 years old but he has long hair and is always wearing surfer clothes, any ways, he has this funny little kid voice, and he loves me and when he leaves the store with his mom he always tells me "see ya lata alligata" and i always respond. It's so funny!

Mike, Kerry, Sam or Jake said...

Ok so Erin really criticized your blog but it looks like she loves you. What is the voice? I'm curious.

jay valle said...

melissa, i did that last thing on purpose becuase i think it's funny. hahaha

kerry, i can't believe you dont know what the voice is. i will have to show you sometime. remind me next time we have a family get together.