Saturday, January 9, 2010

like a scared little boy

I have so much ahead of me. The other day I was thinking, "What things would change had I moved out when I turned out (or been kicked out)?". Oh man, oh man. Too many things. The first thing I thought of was having to buy my own towels. So funny. Then I thought about laundry, then rent, food, food stuff, bed stuff, A CAR, gas. Oh my gosh...that is not even up to my pay check. I was just shocked. I'm scared i'll be clueless when I come home from the mission, with wondering how taxes, rentals, car payments, mortgages, and all that stuff works. I guess we'll see how I handle. I'm not sure if scared is the right word for that, but it's along those same lines to be honest.
I love the new job. The first week was very successful. There is only one thing I don't like about work. There is'nt always something to do. But honestly, it's clean, organized and everything. There are not too many orders this time of year, so trying to stay busy gets a little hard.


Janet said...

You have every reason to worry about the things you mention. But you will pick up on things as you try and enjoy the ride;-)Love ya', Grandma

Jose Valle said...
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Jose Valle said...

Wait until you complete your mission. You'll gain the tools to deal with these uncertainties a lot more easier than now.

Harrison Dougal said...

I know how you feel.

It's that time when you realize that people aren't going to tell you what to do and you have to decide the rest of your life. It's good to know though that it doesn't all hit you at the same time. Even though you have to make decisions, you can spread them out.

And if you ever need anything, me and Erin are here.

Janet said...

Jay....I had another comment: Rob told me that he used to come down at night and see me working at the kitchen table working on bills, and other worries/concerns that it took/takes... to run a family. He had the same fears that you expressed. This most likely happened with all of my kids...but I remember Rob's mentioning it to me. Your dad's comments are right on...after your mission, it will all come together and be more clear. No doubt, you are going to do wonderful in life - and always remember that you are not alone:-)Love, Grandma

Holly said...

I agree with the general'll learn as you go and the help you need will come as you need it. Missions are wonderful preparation for so many things in life!! I used to worry about dealing with insurance companies etc. when I'd listen to mom do it on the phone. I didn't really get my feet wet on that till I'd been married for years!! Now I have no problem telling them off or setting them strait ha ha....First things first...I'm glad you have some more time at home before you leave. Living on your own is fun, but there is time, there really is. Hang in there!