Sunday, January 24, 2010


Yesterday evening, I went on splits with the missionaries. The lady we went to visit was very interesting and I'm sure she is the kinda person that I will meet on my mission. Not to mention 6 dogs, 2 fish tanks, 2 cats, 1 possum, and this white thing with red eyes. No joke. The house was a zoo, but we were there for a good reason. Everything we said, she would defend and try to prove us wrong. I'm not sure if she was truly interested in the message we had or truly interested in harassing us to make us break down. The fact that both the missionaries I was with were shy didn't help either. We had our meeting at 3:30 and did not get out til 5:30. It was a good conversation at start, but then we started going in circles and she started talking about how cows were happy but how humans weren't and it was just a mess. She had a bunch of different Bibles and theory's and things and it really caused me to think. I don't if that's how most people are, but it really got me to think about what I should study and what I should before I go out, because you never know interested people are in trying to prove you wrong about something.


Holly said...

Ah, brings back some rough memories from the mission!! Some people do just want to "bash"! I had several of these experiences, got called a "wolf in sheeps clothing" more than once. Sometimes I felt very moved upon by the spirit, and kind of, well, talked down every dart that was thrown! Another time, not so in tune, ended up in a near argument...never good. But, recalls to mind one bit of advice, counsel...whatever you like I got in the MTC. One of my teachers promised that if we did our daily scripture study we would be able to use something we had learned that day. I truly did see that the Lord would call to mind the things I had studied when I needed them. Don't worry about preparing for what "might" happen. You really never know what will or what you will need. You just be dilligent in your study and in your time of need it will come to you, and sometimes it's leaving. :-). That thought came to me the one time a seemingly nice old man reached out for me, thought, "oh, he's so happy we're here and wants to hug me". Then he gave me a shove on the side of the head and said "go" in a warbly voice. Yeah, not getti anywhere with that one! Still, hope you get a chance for some positive experiences before you go too!! :-)

Garity said...

Ok, ditto what Holly said.
Holly- So sad! You think you are getting a hug and then BAM! Reality and rejection...ugh.

Erin Dougal said...

Check out my blog.