Monday, July 26, 2010

My Folks

I have so much to be thankful for. Honestly, I'm not sure if I could fit it all in one blog. However I am sure of one thing: that I will forget a few things. For reasons unknown, this week I have been constantly thinking about how much God has blessed me with a loving family, the opportunity to be born in the covenant and for the opportunities that have risen in my short life so far. When I think about it, everything I have accomplished or been blessed with, I can trace back to my parents as well as their involvment with staying strong members of the church. This blog post will be about them.
I can't thank my parents enough for making the right decisions in their life and keeping me in line. They love me endlessly and support me in all I do. My Dad has set an amazing example for me. He has accomplished so much, despite his circumstances growing up, and is still inspiring me to achieve more. He fulfills his church callings to it's fullest and believes in me more than you can imagine. Thank You Dad. Thanks to my Mom as well, for being fearless during the time that I was in the hospital. She is one of the bravest ladies I know. She doesn't let me do stupid things, therefore she sincerely loves me. She has this quote in her office and it reminds me of her, entirely. Thank You Mom.

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