Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Me vs. Pizza

I'm so indecisive. At least, in the last 20 minutes I was.

Today I cleaned the garage, put the iPod in and listened to some real great music. It's not a disaster but it sure is a mess! Wow. Almost all of the junk was cardboard boxes anyways. What a shame I don't recycle. Recycling should be made more accessible, yes? Even at Copies Plus we don't recycle, main reason being it's too expensive. However I do think we would get a lot more business if we were the only copy center that went "green". Wow, listen to me ramble. Anyways, I was cleaning the garage and I got sooo hungry. Particularly hungry for food that is fatty and unhealthy but terribly delicious. Ugh. My mother was out getting lunch with her sister, so I'm sure that If I called her and asked for lunch she would just bring me something back! Right? Hahahaha, no.
So I went to trusty Google. 'dominos nampa, id'. BAM. The phone number was pretty much in my cell phone already and Brian picked up the phone. 'Hello Brian'. After a 20 second conversation, I was informed that they will only deliever a medium pizza. Not a small. Not worth it!
So it was frozen burritos for me today :/ I swear, one of these days I'm going to be super sneaky and order a pizza all by myself. I mean, be honest. Which kid has not dreamt of ordering pizza when everyone is gone? Call me crazy.

On the upside, the garage looks fantastic.

1 comment:

Alejandra said...

I thought recycling was accessible. Don't you have the blue bin at your house?