Saturday, September 25, 2010

Truth Be Told

A lot of people have been asking me questions lately. Which is fine. I am a pretty social guy I suppose. In high school I felt like I was pretty outgoing and maybe even very social. I felt the need to be unique and 'different'. As soon as I graduated from high school, I also graduated from those feelings. I guess I don't really enjoy attention but I do like people to know my accomplishments. But being put on the spotlight for them makes me uneasy. I can ace a job interview and shake hands and look at people in the eyes. I also deal with cranky customers pretty well too. I'm not shy...I just don't seek attention like I used too. Like I was saying, a lot of people have been asking me questions. Questions that make me go...'really?'.
Let me set one thing straight. Going on a mission is something I have wanted to do my entire life, and outside of marriage, it might be one of the best things I can do for myself and the Lord. So when people say...
"What's the last restaurant you will eat at before you go?" or
"What's the last movie you are going to see before you go?" or phrase question like that, I squirm. Going on a mission will be far more exciting than any movie and restaurant I will ever attend. I am making these sacrifices because I want to serve...not because I'm being dragged into this by my parents. I guess I'm not attached to those like I am to family and friends. Trust me. I wouldn't be doing this if I didn't believe that what I was doing and what I was preaching is right and true. I guess those kind of question throw me off because I am not looking forward to the parties and movies that go with 'pre-mission' activities. Rather, I'm looking forward to getting out in the mission field; teaching people who don't have the recourses to go out to restaurants for fun. People who don't have the luxury of seeing movies, let alone 'one last one'.

So when someone asks me "Jay, what will be the last movie you will rent before you leave?", I guess my answer is this. I could probably care less. I know this is an exciting time for me, but what is more exciting is that I get to spend two years serving the Lord! Yes! I don't want this to sound like something I am being dragged into. For what I have been blessed with, two years is nothing. I'm excited to go to Argentina. I'm not anti-movie or anti-restaurant. If you want to go see a movie or go out the eat with me sometime, let go! Sounds fun. I just would rather not think less about what I can't do and more about what I will be able to do.

I'm excited.


Erin Dougal said...

True dat. You have the right mind set. You changed your music up! I like it.

melissa ashley valle said...

(: i'm excited for you too!

Kelly Valle said...

And that's why I love you.

Janet said...

The people of Argentina are going to be so happy to get to know you! I'm proud of you Jay.