Thursday, March 19, 2009

the opening night for the play is tonight. oh goody. idk if i should be excited because my energy varies from day to day. i will have to pick up some vitamin water, power-c tonight. that always gets me going. and then tons and tons of water! which is always encouraged. the play is based on shakespeare's a mid summer's night dream but its an adaption, and it's a musical. pretty entertaining if you know the story. if any of you readers are familiar with the story, i'm playing puck. so basically i get to wear glitter on stage...lots. which sucks when i show up the next day in class and i find glitter on my government paper because it's still coming out of my hair. gosh! its actually no that bad, but the eye make up can get rather irritating i will admit! wish me good luck, first time with large audiences in this production!

erin is making me something called "four-corners pasta" which is pasta, (obviously) with salsa and some south-western kick...i'm guessing. if it's good, i will pretend like i'm a culinary critic and write about it later. haha. so i ALSO just realized that dallan will be gone soon! gosh, what a kid. four years without him? seriously, that's just going to be hard. but of course all for a good reason. i mean, i am going for a year, with my own room (which honestly will be lonely), and the two girls. hmmm... i guess marie is really easy to talk to about everything. haha.
today i was in the news paper and i didn't even know it. i got home and found an article, but i honestly did not bother reading, it was for the play and looked un-interesting. maybe tomorrow. haha. and my picture looked hideous, but its newspaper printing, what could i expect? i love how i just blamed my bad looks on the newspaper. i'm ready to get off the computer now. time to eat!


Janet said...

Jay - "Don't break a leg"...good luck. How I wish I could be there! Love, Grandma Line

Garity said...

Scan the article for your blog! That's my request.

Puck is my favorite character!!!! That is so cool you are playing him. Now I really wish I was closer to see you!

3 cheers for having your own room. How will you ever survive? LOL. I lived for my own room but when you are so used to having someone else there it can definately get lonely.

Holly said...

Please oh please post pictures of the play and especially the glitter! I think you were born to play that character, I'm sure you were/are fabulous in it!