Friday, March 27, 2009


i have eaten so little and napped so much this week! honestly, i'm not sure if i have ever done it this much, besides when i was a toddler of course. however wednesday when i got my wisdom taken out of me, i was out like rock. but melissa came over and brought me ice cream and we watched bolt. which was very awesome and very sweet. i like doing things with friends, even when i'm not entirely mobile. i freakin loved it! watching bolt was the best part of my week, and then it was finally getting up and going to walmart! even tho i looked like a freak, my cheeks were swollen big and very noticeable. haha, my facial cheeks that is. my mejillas are quite noticeable now. hahahaha. oh man, i'm not sure why i thought that was so funny but ok. i've noticed that my spring break has been full of cyber communication. which is not all that great. i love it, but i want to talk to everyone face to face. haha. sometimes i wish i lived in a small small town where every one knew every one and it was just quaint. however, i also want to live where i have access to somewhat urban cities within reach. and i guess nampa is the perfect place for that.
today i am eating spaghetti-o's! how long has it been since i have had these things? i don't miss them all that much. but they definitely bring back memories. i forgot these existed. haha, wow. and yum.


Kelly Valle said...

I know why you thought your cheek comment was so funny...hee, hee......(little souvenir of the pain pills, everyone)

Erin Dougal said...

Has marie seen Bolt yet? I can see her loving it. I'm watching it right now. It's pretty cute.

Jose Valle said...

Don't forget earth-day Sat 8:30PM

Janet said...

I want to watch Bolt. Can we do that in May?

jay valle said...

yes, bolt is pretty funny (: lets watch it sometime grandma (:

Holly said...

Sounds like you are feeling better. Good fiends, good movies, good grub, doesn't get much better than that! (: