Tuesday, August 10, 2010


When I turned 18, a year ago, I did'nt feel very different. At all. In fact I remember feeling just as normal as if it was another normal day. Yesterday, I felt different. Nothing magical or weird, but the fact I was nineteen took me by surprise I guess. I like birthdays, but I'm not a huge fan of birthday parties, my own that is. But If you are having a party please invite me. I like going to those! Yesterday was just what I wanted though. A yummy dinner, with Melissa and my family. I know it's not about presents, but let me express my thanks by telling you what I was given on my birthday.
Ana gave me a bag a gum balls and foudn batteries for my metronome. Sweet.
Marie gave me the new Jack Johnson CD. I have not had the chance to listen quite yet but I'm sure it will be great.
Melissa gave a me a classy tie, which will look terribly nice in a black suit. It's cute, and I am super excited to sport my new neck tie. I also got (drum roll)....a funnel cake maker! What?! It's so great, and it was totally unexpected! (: I can't wait to make me some cakes. Me and Melissa have a guilty pleasure of funnel cakes at fairs. Since most fairs are too expensive for me atleast, this was the perfect gift. NOM NOM NOM NOM. (Thank You!)
My parents gave me a beautiful journal. For my mission of course, but it has pages to write certain things and blank pages (obviously) to write in and take with me. It's really an amazing looking journal and I am looking forward to filling it out. One page of this journal started to make me laugh. On one side of the page is says Before My Mission, followed by a blank white box, where I'm supposed to insert a picture. The next one reads: (as you can guess) After My Mission. Hahahaha, for some reason I find that humorous. I hope I don't gain too much weight, but who evers idea that was, to add that in the missionary journal, thank you. Thanks for all the birthday wishes, and whoever celebrated with me.

*Oh. Special Thanks to Erin, Harrison and Penny for sending me the Dora the Explorer birthday card.

The front: It's Your Birthday! Es Tu Compleanos!
The inside: Dance around and sing out loud
Come on, girl, you should be proud -
you're another year older!
Of course, Dora is doing the tango and Boots is doing a hand stand. Sweet.

1 comment:

Erin Dougal said...

Hahaha... That card still makes me laugh.