Tuesday, March 24, 2009


looking at things, i figured that my spring break will most definitely become a break. break, being defined as being exempt from all duties and some responsibilities. on sunday, i went to the emergency room because of some uncontrollable puking and some bursting of some blood vessels all over and around my face, but i wont tell you more, doubting you would like to read about that! that left me in bed all sunday, and all most of monday with nothing to do, literally. otherwise, i would have been driving, finding activites to do with friends. but no. so here we are on tuesday, which means tomorrow is wednesday...which equals...wisdom teeth removal!!! yay! another long couple days where i get to eat nothing but liquids and "soft stuff"...in bed. gah. what a way to spend spring break right? last night i went out shopping with my family, which wasn't that bad honestly, but when i got home i felt the need to crash and sleep another ten hours or so. tonight, i figured the best thing i can do is to get out of the house and do something before i am home-bound once more. so there is a cast party at a "fairy"'s house, and that will hopefully get my social wiggles out before tomorrow. this will also restrict my driving privileges....hmmm. yeah, this really sucks. hahaha. oh well. one week out of my whole life...not bad at all (: some people have it worse. i'm not nearly as home-bound as some people. maybe i'm even lucky to have a social life to look forward too after-wards.
(and all the emergency room stuff, its really not that bad so don't freak out) thank you.
i've learned to love the music of jason mraz. as of last night. i have always been looking for the artist who has the vocal abilities of michael buble, the acoustic-ness of john mayer, the simplicity of ben folds, and the raw homemade sounds like sondre lerche. jason got VERY close. If only he used stronger melodies! the lyrics are mostly fantastic and the titles of every song are just perfect. so if any one has any suggestions for the artist of all those qualities, give me a notice. songs that get me are the ones that have melodies that you can't get out of your head, but meanwhile, you like having them there. i think that for right now i will have to listen to all of his stuff before i can put him on top of my list.

many of you may recognize this song, but live, it kicks the album verison's butt.


Janet said...

If you weren't so all grown up, Jay...I'd just have to fly out there and hold you in a blanket & sing to you! I'm glad that you'll be ok. Erin mentioned in her blog that you were in the hospital. Hang in there and good luck with you wisdom teeth, etc. I'll be saying a prayer for you. Love, Grandma Line

Garity said...

Ok, I don't mean to laugh or anything but you had what Kris calls 'puke freckles', the broken blood vessels on your face. The first time it happenend to me it completely freaked me out because I had no idea what they were. Now they are just one of those things that happens everytime I'm pregnant and have morning sickness...I even blogged about them as if they were news worthy LOL.
I'm glad you are ok, you didn't mention the cause of all the puking though! As for the wisdom teeth, ugh...nuff said. I'm thinking you deserve a "do over" spring break.

Jose Valle said...

don't puke on my bed. Dad

Holly said...

Is a cool song. Hope you recover well from your tooth extraction. Hope your mom's documentation of the event doesn't come back to haunt you, but makes you laugh always! :-)

Erin Dougal said...

Oh, Garity. I saw pictures of your puke freckles and I don't know if they were as bad as Jay's. He looked freakish. They were really bad all the way down his neck. He looked like he had gotten beat up and was about to die.