Thursday, January 1, 2009

its january first!

it's two-thousand and nine! that means another year closer to becoming grown up, kinda scary but i'll live. i figured out that sledding makes me sore...weird, i know. me and melissa went sledding with my family on christmas eve day and the next day we were both sore! i was laughing and i felt quite stupid when it hurt to tie my shoes. anyways, after that we played scrabble at the flying m and i learned some new words, thanks to harrison. "funder" and "vizit" are both new words, both with real meanings too! funder is a mix of fun and thunder. . . so if you ever need to combine those two words thats when you would. and vizit is just fun to say, but it's a spin on "visit", and with the z substitution, it makes the word that much more cool.

i've been reading (or looking. . . well both) at this amazing book. it is basically a collection of the best one-hundred photographs ever taken. it seriously amazes me, even when the photo seems random. many of them have to do with historical events throughout america's history, and sometimes even world history. my favorite photos are of marylin monroe, and not for that reason. she was such an icon that any photo of her kinda became a classic, idk, just that era must have been amazing to live in. thats just another thought.

so whenever i go to a good resteraunt i always think to myslef: "i could do this...easy". in fact i have always thought it would neat to own my own resteraunt but have never really had too much interest in the culinary field. i just kinda dream about it, but today those dreams were ruined. i made a batch of basic chocolate chip cookies today and didnt realize how much work it took. that sounded really lazy but the time i was done cooking my black shirt was covered in flower and my hands were quite sticky. i had to wash all the utensils and sweep a little bit too. not that im lazy, i just never really knew how much work actually went into cooking i thought was so simple, or maybe it's just me. i was pretty excited that they turned out so great. . .mmmmm.


Jose Valle said...

Those cookies were amazing Jay!!! It was worth the mess...

Erin Dougal said...

I'm pretty sure dad commented on everyone's blog.

Anyways- here's a proposition for you. Harrison and I would LOVE to open a restaurant. I love to cook, and know how to manage a restaurant. Harrison will be the financial guru and you can do all the fun stuff, like advertising. What do you say?

This will be in like 40 years by the way

Garity said...

About time you updated!!!!! I'll be more than happy to eat at your restaurant but won't go near working there. I'm glad you understand the work that goes into cooking/baking. You'll appreciate all the work your wife does if she enjoys being in the kitchen. I absolutely adore cooking but it definately wears me out!!!!

jay valle said...

erin, i would love to open a restraunt with you and harry! would my band be able to do gigs there so we can grow and become ridiculously popular??? and advertising, for sure.
garrity, i know! my wife will be an amazing cook, i already know that. and i'll appreciate it cause i can barely make cookies!