Saturday, January 3, 2009

sick families, bad drama teachers and amazing boulevards

this morning i woke up with a slight cold. i think it's my turn now, because my whole family has been sick at one time. it started with marie, who couldn't even down sprite. and if you know marie, not drinking sprite really means she's sick! then dallan, dad, and this morning my mom. poor thing, i felt realy bad for her. so today, i got all my chores done before eleven, made her tea and cleaned part of the kitchen. i don't mind when my family is sick but when they get sickt hey get grumpy sick. they don't lay in their bed quiet just waiting be good, they take it out on the family. me and my mother however just sit and wait for it to go away. it's a strange thing how sickness makes people act. so if i did work today, i would be able to because i feel pretty fine. but for some strange reason thorne printing closes three days around the holidays. so in jan, my work is close jan 1st, 2nd and 3rd,. . . yeah. everyone forgets that its even 2009 by the time that january third comes around, so either they are loosing a lot of buisness, or there is a line outside of thorne printing when i go back to work. haha, i begged them to switch me days because i now am in the process of doing the school musical. and if you have done one, you know it eats up like all of your time. our drama teacher here is on "adminstrative leave". . . he's fired. i guess he hit kids with a plastic bat and broke the bat, all out of anger. i think i'm officialy scared to work with that guy. of course, rumors went flying around like a wildfire, so i could be wrong. but he really did get arrested and all the admin. leave and stuff. so i don't know if we are ever really doing the play. my choir director says she will take it under her wing, but it doesn't seem like we have made any progress. and knowing the cast, it would be hard to pull out a quailty show before the end of the year. . .ha! maybe i am underestimating, myself and the art dept. but who knows. on monday i will probably find out what is going on (or i hope) and see if the choir director is being serious about the play. . . either way, if we do it or not, i'm totally ok. (:
*oh and let me not forget, there is this amazing boulevard called 'garity blvd'. (excuse my spelling if you need to) but it's my favorite one in nampa. . . hope that makes my aunt feel somewhat better. ha!


Garity said...

It did, you rock!

Chelsea said...

1st of all, perry didn't do anything wrong and is a completely amazing, and understanding drama teacher, the best i've had out of three. he didn't get arrested and it's a fifty chance he'll come back
2nd of all, we could do the play without a director, its just nice to have one, and mrs cariaga will do fine.

i love you jay, you just hit on a couple things, that i am really defensive about. :]

ps. our art department is the only reason i'm at school.

jay valle said...

ha, thanks for the clarification bud. i knew they were rumors, just stating what i heard. thanks again. :)