Friday, January 9, 2009

technicolor dreams

i've been thinking about life. but then again who doesn't. so i am sure anyone reading this can relate one way or another. there are certain events that make you reflect upon life. it's like that feeling when you realized you just turned in a bad essay, and wish you could start blank again. haha, just a random thought here, but i love acoustic music. i think that's the music that makes me feel most down to earth. not because of the natural raw quality it has, i think its just the fact that the musician has nothing but a simple guitar, and a simple voice. i love that, i wish i could pull that off, and still sound good. so while i'm listening to acoustic music, i think about life. mostly because its so organic, that it puts me in this state where i am only thinking about my window of life. unlike other genres which encourage certain personalities. acoustic makes you feel at home, wherever your home is. i think life is more simple than what people make it to be. really. you can fill your life up with glamour and glitter, when in all reality, we all live on the same place. of course, you can have fun, sure. but don't do the unnecessary. i think we just work our way out to figure out who we are. which takes a long time. i'm really not quite there yet, although i like to think that every now and then. the more people i meet and the older i get (constantly), the more i realize that less people really don't care for your triumphs. and thats not intended to be depressing and negative. i'll explain. my family loves me and supports me, encourages my activities and celebrates my victories. outside of that arena, i think everyone else are spectators. not fans. ok, ill put friends and families in that arena. however, there are fans, and they are the only ones celebrating your joy! i am not a big fan of show-offs or braggers. i'll tell you that much. i sometimes wonder what they are trying to accomplish by displaying their abilities in un-welcome situations. i totally understand large ensembles, competitions, practice, showcases, etc. i've noticed that people tend to subliminally show-off or brag, at which in cringe! yes, cringe! i appreciate talent and ability, i just don't appreciate it when it's an insincere display of it.
wow, i'm really speaking my mind today. i guess that's what listening to acoustic death cab for cutie does for you. on of my favorite quotes, sung by sondre lerche and regina spektor explain this kinda well.

"forget all your technicolor dreams, forget modern nature, this is how it's meant to be".

yes! i love love love this quote. perhaps i am not reading this quote as it was written. but if i'm not, i like my own personal take on it. forget all your technicolor dreams: ok, this makes sense, right? basically, forget all your past dreams that are full of glamour and glitter. that's not how life really is. of course you can expect certain things in life, and how you want them to go, how you want them to happen, who you want to be with. but don't create a concrete image in your mind how things are going to happen. forget modern nature: referring to the current trends. forget it, do what you think is right, and what everyone else is doing. just because everyone is doing something you're not happy with, doesn't mean you have to participate. this is how it's meant to be. yes! yes! yes! this is how its meant to be, because in all reality its everything you wanted. if you were to live with your circumstances in a world of no 'technicolor dreams' and no 'modern nature' that's exactly what you would want. what a fantastic quote, brilliantly written. cheers to them. they delivered a great message! do what you want to do, and forget outside distractions. do what you know you need to do regardless of what situation you are put it in. we are all sent here at this specific time, because it's the best time an all the time in the earth's existence to be here. so i say do the best you can, and let yourself be the best you can be, we only have one shot. i learn things like this from amazing places, amazing music, amazing quotes, and amazing people.
thanks for reading,

im out.


Erin Dougal said...

I think was your best post yet. I loved it and completely agree.

Jose Valle said...

You couldn't have said it better!

Chelsea said...

wow. my friend. you are highly poetic and profound. This post really makes me think about life and what is necessary and what is not. it really opens my eyes.

Holly said...

Love reading your blog Jay...Martin likes acoustic too, I'll tell him to share some...your mom and Erin have the link to our family website, check us out, you might have fun with Martin's page

Holly (aunt)

Janet said...

Loved reading about you....your life, thoughts and dreams. Keep it up...I'm proud of you!

Grandma Line
P.S. - makes me proud of your parents...they have done so well:}