Sunday, January 18, 2009


HA! my dear mother was going to bed and she just said "ciao[chow] for now". it was so funny, don't ask me why, it just was. mothers. . . they are so funny.
so i really don't know what i'm blogging about quite yet, but what i am sure of is i want to blog. i usually don't like writing daily journals or events because my life can get pretty boring. especially when you work and you have ridiculous customers. i've noticed something old people. . . excuse me. the elderly. they are very specific. it drives me up the wall, i swear. whenever a old buick pulls in front of my work, with two senior chaps i cringe. or i pretend i'm on the telephone with a customer so shirline can deal with them. they also try to get the most out of their money. which is not bad, but still. i think when people hear "cents" they think they have all the money in the world. that's mostly why restraunts and stores have 99 cent items on their menu's. well at thorne printing, color copies are 69 cents. that's all, right? if it's under the dollar amount might as well make millions of copies right? wrong. so when i tell these people that their total for 80 color copies on regular paper is $55.20? (no tax i remind you). they automatically question where i came up with a ridiculous price. like i'm trying to rip them off. their faces scare me when they get mad. urg. so it gives me somewhat of a delight when they pay with credit or debit because they don't carry that much cash. that sounded mean. another pet peeve is people and manners. i understand peoples love for pets, and especially dogs. i'm down with that. but don't bring your chiwawa into the shop and let it run behind the counter, past the press, bindery and into the break room. it's really not a fun adventure (yes, i'm speaking from experience). . . OR i hate those men who think they are big because they drive trucks. i'm not anywhere big myself so i probably should not be speaking. but they walk in and expect everything to be there way. when they arrive to pick up an order and i don't find it, they skip the counter and come in the back to help me find it. what a freak, seriously.

and my number one pet peeve. . . (insert drum roll). . .

stupid questions!

"do you sell american flags?"

"do you sell trash bags you can put in your car?"

"are you open on saturdays?" (on saturday)

"how much would it cost to spiral my priesthood manual?" (not everyone is mormon. . .jeez!)

and 1st place goes to. . .

"hi, i have an mp3 player i bought for my kids, i was wondering if you guys could put some songs on it for me, and i could just pay for the songs, can you do that there?"

these are a just a few examples of some of the things that happen at good ol' thorne printing.
i probably shouldn't complain though. after all, at least i have a job. ciao for now!


melissa ashley valle said...

haha (: that is amazing! i can't believe people are that stupid! lol (: thanks for the laugh!

Erin Dougal said...

That's great. Working with customers can be a pain sometimes but I think it's good because then you'll never be one of those stupid customers.

Jose Valle said...

are you sure that elderly people aren't able to read your blog? your elderly dad...ciao! :)