Friday, April 17, 2009

Thursday, April 9, 2009

hello seattle!

i love discovering new artists. it's especially satisfying when you can't stop listening to them for a good amount of time. if there's any genre of music you ask that i listen to i can't tell you one. i like lots, but mostly acoustic feel good. which brings me to new artist number one: Rye Hollow. from portland oregon, this music reminds me of sarah barielles with a guitar and better melodies. pretty cool, and she comes from somewhere very near. so that makes it even better. google her.

number two (which actually i have known for quite sometime now, but still underground): chris august! love this stuff. i could listen to it all day. i don't want to describe him, but go check this out for yourself. stranger is probably the best song on that page.


number three is this solo project by a young man whose band name is called owl city. he's also awarded the best band name award. ha! because its a freakin awesome i right? or am i right? this is small portion of my music library but it's still ultra-fun to listen to. this guy along with relient k are coming to boise this summer. cross your finger that i can go, and if i can't send me money so i can. hahaha.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

writing it down

i'm near the end of my high school education
it is getting so tedious. a lot of us are beginning to count days and even minutes as one of my school mates posted on facebook. don't remember the digits because i'm not as avid as some of them, but i have had four years and i'm ready to get out and hopefully start working. one thing i noticed about the teachers is that they don't want you to leave high school as smooth and relaxing as you want to be. i mean, they are going to keep you working as long as they can until the last possible day that they can keep you at school. senior skip day is coming up soon, and i have my ap lit class that i probably will not skip. however...choir, wind ensemble and seminary? maybe (: we will see. haha.

oh i almost forgot to write about today's holiday! april fools day. it's always retarted when people say obviouvs stuff, followed by an "april fools!" and then they expect you to be suprised or be fooled. it's rather hilarious. i'm a smooth one when it comes to them tho. even ask neighboor down the road. she fell for three or four on our way to school. i also tricked my seminary teacher by doing a fake out hand shake. which sounds stupid when i say it, but it was rather humurous in real life. trust me. haha. another thing i have noticed...
me and my dad are alike. at times when i am not proud to believe it, i will find myself laughing at my own jokes or trying to make "witty" comments. JUST like my father. take a look at some of the comments he has left on my post. "witty" right? i guess i can't be making fun of the way he acts. i suppose that is probably making fun of my self.

Friday, March 27, 2009


i have eaten so little and napped so much this week! honestly, i'm not sure if i have ever done it this much, besides when i was a toddler of course. however wednesday when i got my wisdom taken out of me, i was out like rock. but melissa came over and brought me ice cream and we watched bolt. which was very awesome and very sweet. i like doing things with friends, even when i'm not entirely mobile. i freakin loved it! watching bolt was the best part of my week, and then it was finally getting up and going to walmart! even tho i looked like a freak, my cheeks were swollen big and very noticeable. haha, my facial cheeks that is. my mejillas are quite noticeable now. hahahaha. oh man, i'm not sure why i thought that was so funny but ok. i've noticed that my spring break has been full of cyber communication. which is not all that great. i love it, but i want to talk to everyone face to face. haha. sometimes i wish i lived in a small small town where every one knew every one and it was just quaint. however, i also want to live where i have access to somewhat urban cities within reach. and i guess nampa is the perfect place for that.
today i am eating spaghetti-o's! how long has it been since i have had these things? i don't miss them all that much. but they definitely bring back memories. i forgot these existed. haha, wow. and yum.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


looking at things, i figured that my spring break will most definitely become a break. break, being defined as being exempt from all duties and some responsibilities. on sunday, i went to the emergency room because of some uncontrollable puking and some bursting of some blood vessels all over and around my face, but i wont tell you more, doubting you would like to read about that! that left me in bed all sunday, and all most of monday with nothing to do, literally. otherwise, i would have been driving, finding activites to do with friends. but no. so here we are on tuesday, which means tomorrow is wednesday...which equals...wisdom teeth removal!!! yay! another long couple days where i get to eat nothing but liquids and "soft stuff" bed. gah. what a way to spend spring break right? last night i went out shopping with my family, which wasn't that bad honestly, but when i got home i felt the need to crash and sleep another ten hours or so. tonight, i figured the best thing i can do is to get out of the house and do something before i am home-bound once more. so there is a cast party at a "fairy"'s house, and that will hopefully get my social wiggles out before tomorrow. this will also restrict my driving privileges....hmmm. yeah, this really sucks. hahaha. oh well. one week out of my whole life...not bad at all (: some people have it worse. i'm not nearly as home-bound as some people. maybe i'm even lucky to have a social life to look forward too after-wards.
(and all the emergency room stuff, its really not that bad so don't freak out) thank you.
i've learned to love the music of jason mraz. as of last night. i have always been looking for the artist who has the vocal abilities of michael buble, the acoustic-ness of john mayer, the simplicity of ben folds, and the raw homemade sounds like sondre lerche. jason got VERY close. If only he used stronger melodies! the lyrics are mostly fantastic and the titles of every song are just perfect. so if any one has any suggestions for the artist of all those qualities, give me a notice. songs that get me are the ones that have melodies that you can't get out of your head, but meanwhile, you like having them there. i think that for right now i will have to listen to all of his stuff before i can put him on top of my list.

many of you may recognize this song, but live, it kicks the album verison's butt.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

the opening night for the play is tonight. oh goody. idk if i should be excited because my energy varies from day to day. i will have to pick up some vitamin water, power-c tonight. that always gets me going. and then tons and tons of water! which is always encouraged. the play is based on shakespeare's a mid summer's night dream but its an adaption, and it's a musical. pretty entertaining if you know the story. if any of you readers are familiar with the story, i'm playing puck. so basically i get to wear glitter on stage...lots. which sucks when i show up the next day in class and i find glitter on my government paper because it's still coming out of my hair. gosh! its actually no that bad, but the eye make up can get rather irritating i will admit! wish me good luck, first time with large audiences in this production!

erin is making me something called "four-corners pasta" which is pasta, (obviously) with salsa and some south-western kick...i'm guessing. if it's good, i will pretend like i'm a culinary critic and write about it later. haha. so i ALSO just realized that dallan will be gone soon! gosh, what a kid. four years without him? seriously, that's just going to be hard. but of course all for a good reason. i mean, i am going for a year, with my own room (which honestly will be lonely), and the two girls. hmmm... i guess marie is really easy to talk to about everything. haha.
today i was in the news paper and i didn't even know it. i got home and found an article, but i honestly did not bother reading, it was for the play and looked un-interesting. maybe tomorrow. haha. and my picture looked hideous, but its newspaper printing, what could i expect? i love how i just blamed my bad looks on the newspaper. i'm ready to get off the computer now. time to eat!

Monday, March 16, 2009

sadie hawkins

who seriously calls it 'sadie hawkins' these days. i think everyone just sticks with sadies now. because it's so much easier to say. regardless of the name, let me tell you about my sadies experience! i went with my best friend melissa, who i have probably mentioned before in earlier post so that should be kinda familiar.
we started off our actual date (i say that because we spent the morning at a fireside and making caramel sauce and doing make up, well her make up), at lexi's house where i think the first thing we did was fly kites. hahaha, we suck at flying kites! how simple right? no. there was even some wind, and we could not even get our kite high at all. but i'm blaming it on the wind and the kite. given the fact the wind speeds were low, and i don't know how to assemble a kite, thats probably why. otherwise we would have had our "backyardigans" kite up in the stratosphere. haha, oh well. it was super fun while it lasted. but probably one of the best parts was jumping on the trampoline. none of us have one, so trampolines are pretty special. hahaha! no seriously, it was the most fun i had in a long time. i could not stop luaghing. we were going so high, it was ridiculous, and ridiculously fun! gosh (:

we also ate pizza and sang karakoe. for a short amount of time. that was also fun. and then we took really cute pictures. dang, i'm so proud of my date, because we looked freakin good. haha, how un-humble was that? but seriously, we owned at the t-shirt portion of the date, i know that. haha.

pokemon have been me and melissa's favorite inside jokes, as far as making fun of it. she knows more than i do about the fictional monsters, and i think we both get a good kick out of it. woo! ok, so i have to go so i'll try to hurry.
we then went to this glow in the dark, black light, miniature golf place that was oh so rad. it was soo wicked and i didn't even know it existed. it was super cool looking and dinosaurs everywhere! i love dinosaurs. kinda. haha. and there was also a blue ape who glowed pretty vividly in the light. he looked like budah it was pretty funny actually. then we hit up the dance. i serioulsy think that was like the best dance of my far. haha. it was super super rad!!! gosh, it was so fantastic. i wish i would have taken more pictures, but then i wouldnt be able to enjoy it all, but heck who needs pictures. i'm gonna feel bad if i left some part of the date out....hmmm. i don't think so. (:
i'm out

Sunday, March 1, 2009

the visitor

blogger won't let me chose font type or color anymore, so i guess this is the way it will look for a while til i can figure it out. (:

i saw the visitor last night. man. i can't tell you in words what that movie does to you. walter the main character takes in a couple who other wise would not have a place to stay. i won't tell you much more than that, however, it is one of the most well thought out movies i have seen in a long time. when the movie ended i just stopped, and stared. it left me thinking about a lot of things. and definitly brought out different sides of illegal imigration, and hapiness to me. it left me wanting to watch it again so so badly. go rent it or something, magnificent stuff.
speaking of renting movies...
me and melissa rented michael buble in concert. if you know me, or her for that matter, i am dying to see michael buble in concert. but the chances are pretty unlikley. so, we got as close as we could and rented it. man, that was so much fun!
(listen to his voice at 1:25, dang)!

i called the library earlier because i was trying to find it and they said the didnt. so me, melissa and ana found it in the library like an hour after we called them. ha. and there were two copies!!! librarians...jeez. i am so tempted to keep it 'til they make me pay for the whole thing or something. haha.
it was awesome. (: now i just need to go to his concert...for reals. haha.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

it'e been a while

it's been a while since i have done many things

-written in the blog
-felt inspired like nothing else
-talk to erin on the phone
-been stressed and happy
-worked twice a week

i think the main reason i have not written in here lately is because of the few exciting and not so exciting things happening in my life. so around earlier february i took a little trip-aroo to spokane. with two of my best friends ever, chelsea and melissa. we explored some really lame malls, but besides that, there was not a few five minutes that went by with them where i didn't laugh, or use the voice. (those who know me too well will know what the voice is) we went to a little thing called all nw. okay, maybe it's not all that little, but it was still rather amazing. allow me to explain, basically it an audition group pulling auditions from all across the northwest to create a band (in my case). they also had choirs there too. i was so happy, that my two friends came with me.the chances that all of us going together were kinda unlikely because i really didn't expect to make such a group to be quite honest. my director, gary green, has done many many numerous honor groups. including many all-state groups as well. he was sooo inspirational. it's going to be very hard to explain how genius this man was. he was very intense, but he knew music like the back of his hand. i mean this was a guy who was raised in a normal schooling and came to the top of everything. and those are the people i admire most. some quotes he said, made the band all teary.
'beautiful music can only come in direct contact with silence'- green
'use this [your head], and play from here [your heart]'- green
'no note is ever the same'- green
'music is the anticipation of what's to come ... and so is life.' freen
when he said these i was like.....BAM! smack in the musical face.
probably one of my favorite parts, (and experiences...ever) was playing lux aruqume by eric whitacre, one of my all-time favorite composers. i mean all time. this guy is the owner of beautiful music. and he's still young. it was such a beautiful moment playing that piece. even though it required no percussion, it was still my favorite piece. anyone who knows what all nw is, its a group that sounds so good that its unbearable. i cried three times in spokane when we listening to whitacre's piece. most of the time it was just glazy eyes, but still! good stuff. i could go on for a long time of some stuff i learned and people i got to see/meet (like z. randall stroppe, andrew boysen jr., garwood whaely) but it would take too much time. i would add some sweet sweet photos but blogger is being really stupid at the moment.

erin called me the other day and it made my day! we were just talking and me and her realized that she would be down in idaho during my play! how exciting! i more excited that she will be able to see it than i am about the play itself. i like the people, and the atmosphere of the play. we just are not getting the ball rolling to quickly. but i think it will come together. you have to look at it this way.

-half the cast has not been on a stage before
-we switched directors during the play
-we currently ONLY have two rehearsals a week.

given those three circumstances, i don't blame many people for how time-crunched we are for this show. but it is getting me worried. i'm partially at fault however too. i still think i have yet to break really into my character and i still need to finally roll of book. it's a slow start. hopefully the play comes along. the music is also driving the show. most shows, the dialogue starts and then heats up making the character break into song. this show however starts with songs and creates the curve of the story in between those. the play is entitled "dream". a musical adaption of a mid-summers night dream. puck, my character is a little creepy to honest. i have a lot of fun making people miserable (on-stage) but it's a very exhausting character. much energy is put into playing that little guy. i am stressed with the show and my ap class. haha, one of them is ap but no-one knows it is. haha. so maybe i should say my ap class. with no 'es'. ha.

so i usually work on tuesday(after school) and saturday (all day) every week at thorne printing. my job. but for the past few months they would call me during school and tell me i didnt have to come in. so i was like ok cool. but it happened over and over. i was starting to get worried. so i got called in for a meeting with my manager. she explained that the shop would be closing on saturdays (when i worked) and that they would just call me when they need me. which is like...never, right? maybe i should take this as a sign to find a new job or a cheap way of trying to lay me off? heck, i know i'm in high school and jobs don't matter too much since i'm not supporting a family or anything, but if you are going to give me the axe, might as well give it to me fast instead of a nice, slow one. gah, i don't even like the people i work with. i do it for the money so i can go serve a mish already. but then again, who does it for the co-workers, right?

and my last subject, i promise: sadies!
i got asked to sadies,,, i was so worried no one would ask me!!! haha, totally kidding. but i do know people who are like that and it annoys me a tiny bit. but i did get asked my best friend melissa. me and her have a fascination with making fun of pokemon. it's pretty entertaining. so she made me a dvd and read-a-long book of a pokemon tribute to me. she took the pokemon theme song and replaced the words askingme to sadies pretty much. i coud not stop smiling/laughing when i read the book. it was ultra-cheese! but ultra-cute and hilarious as well. probably the best way i have seen anyone ask/answer ever! hilarious stuff i tell you. :)

anyways, i stayed up waaay later than i had expected i thought i was tired until i drank water and now i am somewhat awake. luckily church is at two! i'm starting to use the keyboard as a pillow so i should probably head out. thanks for reading.

see ya later crocidile
in a while alligator

(said in the voice)...
HA! oh man that's funny

Monday, February 2, 2009

thoughts that came to mind

on days like these when i have no homework, i usually like to be lazy. but i'm trying to break that habit, because sooner or later i really have to start using my time more wisely. the play is coming along. i'm almost worried as to how fast we will get the play together and how soon we can actually pull it off, but no fear, i have faith! i think it's kind of funny how all my peers develop their character more and more. it's very interesting, kind of funny as well. and as much as i hated the music at the start, i very much enjoy now. funny how things like that happen. but it happens every time. so....
valentines day is next week! how exciting, and it's not on a school day, which i'm sure some girls appreciate very much. my pal evann was telling me how much she loathed the girls who pranced the halls with flowers on valentines. high school can get pretty ridiculous with valentines. for example: the BESO club sells valentine "grams" on valentines day. kinda funny, how insincere and how "thoughtful" cough not really. it makes me laugh, and i also wonders if they put mexican chocolate in those things. mexican chocolate is actually good, and i wish i could explain in words, but you really just have to try it for yourself. once upon a time i went to maverick and got mexican hot chocolate, it was beautiful. maverick actually has some good food. i know that sounds kinda gross, but really. let me start with probably my favorite (and my family would agree): biscuits and gravy. holy freak, this stuff is stupendous. it's probably my third favorite thing in the world. i don't know whats second or first, but please go try some. and since i work right next to a maverick i get to test-taste some of what they make. they make these mean bread things, with cheese pepperoni and loaded with jalepenos. my saliva is swirling just thinking about it. that's also heavenly. those are probably my only two things that im really fond of there. the rest is jerky, alcohol, nasty candies, and really old donuts. gross.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

duty to god, page thirteen, requierment nine.

this requirement asks me to sum my life up in five hundred words. i'm not quite sure how to go about this, how hard it will be, or what to write really, but i'll try my best.

i never thought that my life has been all that interesting, however there are some things that i feel worth mentioning. a lot of work that went into my life was being diagnosed with neuroblastoma, a cancer related to the nervous system. very very many priesthood blessings went into those two years of my life. fortunately, i don’t even remember all that treatment. for my parents i believe it was a real testimony and good trial for us both. i think when i was young that i never liked math, and never learned to like it since. so anything involving math, science, chemistry, and even technology, i wish i was good at. too bad i was lacking in that area. but i definitely get more satisfaction out of other things. In elementary school, my mother said i was always a problem with the teachers. i even remember mrs.mckellip telling me to call my mom and tell her i did something wrong. don’t remember exactly what it was, but i remember that fear i had going to call her. when i had a horrible score on a mad-minute i also threw it away, in hope that the teacher would just forget about it or something. wow. that basically sums up my childhood, elementary years, my personality at least. i always thought in middle school that it was cool to be like everyone else, or dress like everyone else. and i even went for that idea, hardcore too. i was probably even popular for a bit too, or, “popular”. funny how some people still have that mind set in high school. how frustrating. haha. now, i’m senior in high school, and i really can’t wait till i can get out and start growing up and meeting new people. i have four siblings, two older than me and two younger. i love where i placed in the family. i always wish i had a little brother, but sometimes i don’t. my main interest in life right now, are people and music. both of these have played a big role in my life so far. i think it’s very interesting to see why people do things and why they choose to live the way they do. that’s what my father does for a living. i always thought it was weird to do what my father did, but i keep finding out how much more i am like my dad than i thought. i think he probably knows me better than i know myself, which can be scary thought, but even more, comforting. some of my future plans include serving an lds mission. which i am oh so excited about. even when i get called to nebraska. come back, and start college right away to earn a degree in whatever i am going to do. i still don’t have a clue exactly what i want to spend the rest of my life doing. somewhere in there i’ll get married too. i think i have been very fortunate to grow up and accomplish what i have so far. my life hasn’t been too interesting, and i probably didn’t sum it up as well as i could, but i’m excited to make it more interesting as i go.

bam! 542 words, what an over-achiever. ok, not really, but thanks for reading. and you should do it too, even if it's for a duty to god requirement or not.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

the family

oh my goodness! i just realized how many things i am so involved in. i won't mention them all because i don't want too. but it's eating away my minutes left and right. it's crazy. i feel bad catching up on sleep in seminary. haha, not really. . . ok well really. but bro.hamilton hopefully doesn't mind too much. haha. i had an awesome adventure in seminary today.
we are rewinding my life right here:
a long time ago, one time during family home evening my family and i were singing "Families Can Be Together Forever". being in the family i'm in, we tend to get a little crazy singing our opening song. but this one takes the cake. in part of the song where it sings ". . . and the lord can show me how i can. . .", my brother and i (one of us, i can't remember) added a quick background vocal repeating "how i can" following that phrase. now that sounds confusing. but it's one of my favorite family memories. . . ever.
we are fast-forwarding my life right here:
so in seminary we sang famlies can be together forever and when it came to the part, i started busting up laughing and couldn't stop for a couple minutes. thank goodness i can be a quiet laugher sometimes. it was very enjoyable! so i texted all my family and told them. dallan told me i should sing the background vocals and erin told me it gets her everytime. same here, i won't be able to not think of my family when singing that song. not because we will be together forever but because of that stupid part we made up. kind of sad, but it makes me smile.
i love family memories, i remember one time we all had to day off and we, as a family played football for the first time. if you know my family, football is not neccisarily our 'thing'.
we traveled to boise and had a picnic, and did shopping and all that good family outing stuff. usually our family trips end up into some what of a fight, and the best part of this outing was that that didn't happen. i'll remember that day for many moons. hahahaha. but really, it was awesome. the morning before erin's wedding day we also had our very last family thing. ha. we went out to breakfast in my car (i drive i van, my teen dream machine), and had a blast of course. don't remember much fighting, so i suppose thats a good thing. it seems as tho our family is finally getting old. no offense to my lovely parents. erin's off, dallan will soon be off, and soon i am out of high school. i mean, aren't these all signs of a growing family? things like this make me appreciate my siblings more than anything in the world and help me realize more that they are some of my best friends. i'm known for being sappy so just bear with me. haha, i even just got teary watching dallan graduate. haha, i'm so cynical and such a pain with my family, but yet i still get sappy. i know, weird. but whatev.
thats a picture when we still lived in our silly duplex, which is like a house, except split in half. haha, between an apartment and a house i guess. thats the backyard we also had the power-ranger pinata in. that was fun. we don't have any really recent shots of us as a family except for the wedding pictures. i always wondered which ways our family would go, and now i am getting a pretty clear picture. being in the middle i kinda get a nice seat to just see both ends of the kids and where they are going. i don't know what i am going to do when i don't see dallan for four years, thats going to be hard. but most definitly worth it.
i remind you that these pictures are not recent whatsoever, so just don't look at my hair. hahaha. i'm just so happy that i was raised in a family where we were taught to find joy in eachother and not things. it makes life so much easier especially knowing you will have them forever, where things don't always last all too long. i'm glad i was raised in a family where when we were young, we were forced to hug one another if we got in a fight. ha! i'm glad i was raised i was raised in a family where my parents didn't care what they looked like, as long as they were raising us right. i'm also glad i was raised in a family where we were forced to eat dinner, even if we dont like it, because now i like mushrooms, aspargus, green curry, etc. haha!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

mlk day!

i have never celebrated martin luther king's day. usually i would celebrate by not going to school, however this time i believe i went beyond the usual. i probably had one of the best days of my freakin' life. . . well it was close. haha.
so the first part of my day really has nothing to do with martin luther king's day but it's still worth blogging about.

i started my day out wearing my frosted flake pajamas! i love these things! not the cereal, the pants. they are pretty rad so i would highly suggest going and getting a pair before they are ALL sold out. haha. i had a couple chores to do before i could head out on my adventure. so i did those, and i decided that i was going to go see bed time stories at noon. what a funny movie. not the funniest or the best, but worth seeing. me and melissa got in for free so it was not a waste of our time or anything. there was also a preview or two that were interesting so i am stoked to go see more. and i'm sorry you have to turn your head to see my picture the right way up. (: your face should look something like that. as i was headed to the movie theaters i totally forgot to brush my teeth. how gross. so me and marie rushed into walgreens and bought the most fantastic and pearadise tasting gum on the planet. i only used that word because thats what it is called. melissa hates these glasses. they have leopard print on the inside of them. oh yeah. totally sick. i think they are fun to wear, but i only put them on in certain occasions. i am almost out of this gum, which is not bad because it was only seventy cents. i thought because of the wicked packaging it would cost more but i think i found a deal. . . on gum. melissa took this picture, and she doesn't like those glasses on me. haha. that's mostly why i wear them. not to mention the leopardhaha. anyways, i decided that i would make a cake to celebrate that day. after all i wasn't doing anything all day so why not. and then, just as i was thinking about the cake i had a revelation. we would make marble cake, to represent the integration of african-americans, hispanics, and americans. in a cake!!! but wait. we would take brown frosting and cover it, and then top it off with a drawing of MLK in white frosting. i was amazed with my brilliancy. so me and melissa had to head to wal*mart to grab a few items before we could start. this is my tour guide, because i kinda didn't know how to get to wal*mart efficiently enough, so she kinda helped my get there. i was pretty excited to find this hidden road because it is a lot quicker to get there now that i know. haha. so we were in wal*mart and totally were too busy talking that we walked past the cake mix aisle, but we eventually found it. and then, when we got there we couldn't even find the marble mix. i was worried! some lady moved her cart and then it appeared. it was kinda funny. but we eventually found it. we were pretty happy because any normal cake mix wouldn't be all that cool. it was pretty neat-o i will admit. we felt like taking a ridiculous amount of pictures so just be prepared. so after buying our moist deluxe cake mix, we both saw a pack of diego cake. . . things. i don't know what they call them but i was really tempted too buy them because diego was african-american, or so i think. and i also could have drawn other races amongst the top of my cake too, but i didn't want to spend the money. but they were rather cool. but not totally worth. it. we went home and made the beautiful cake. it was looking way sick before it was baked so i just had to photo. it was so amazing! look at that! it looked like real marble, i think. except it was edible! thats the coolest part. melissa kinda had a problem with me licking the spatula, or the knife even tho we were totally done using it. haha. it was a pretty cool looking cake before we baked it so that was neat. so i have been in kind of in need of a hair cut, to reduce my poofness, i went to my friend chelsea. i've known this chick since i was probably two or younger. i think. i mean, she's that kid that you have known all your life, and are really freakin' good friends with. but its a brother sister kinda thing. so i trust her with almost my life. . . that's why i trusted her cutting my hair!!! i appreciate her style 100% and so i wasn't worried and just let her do whatever she wanted. me and her are going to probably know each other 'til we are wrinkled. gross. but my hair cut went prett fantastic. i sat in her kitchen and she cut away. i saw her cutting emmy's hair before and emmy's hair was looking hot, so i had no fear. chelsea actually fixed my hair instead of messing it up so i was excited. oh! and i met a new person named emmy. i told her to read my blog so hopefully she reads this and is proud of me. she was a pretty rad chick and we got to hang out for a good amount of time, but she was pretty cool. i mean, if she's chelsea's friend she might as well be mine. haha, just kidding em. but we had a wicked high five i'll admit that.
chelsea looks like a freakin pro cutting it. it looks so hot now. haha. but it will look even hotter when it gets a little longer so we can do more stuff with it. haha, yeah. so i was i decided to rush home so we could frost our cake. i had almost forgot about. luckily my mother was kind enough to take out the cake so it wouldn't burn. and with a couple genius's and some frosting our masterpiece was finished. . . .
going to try to do something like this again. and to finish they day, we took a cheesy smile picture. which actually kinda turned out good. beautiful i must say. it was about five or so, when melissa's family and the cincineros were invited to family home evening. it was loads of fun. holy cow. we played an awesome sentence game with not so awesome outcomes. somethings had to do with giving birth, bishops, dancing under tables and fish hatcheries. it was quite a long day, but it was pretty freakin' amazing. and of course i took even more pictures. i was in the mood anyways. i have never went to such full extents to celebrate such a holiday but it felt great! i am definitelyhaha, so happy martin luther king's day. and if you got the day off, then hooray.

Sunday, January 18, 2009


HA! my dear mother was going to bed and she just said "ciao[chow] for now". it was so funny, don't ask me why, it just was. mothers. . . they are so funny.
so i really don't know what i'm blogging about quite yet, but what i am sure of is i want to blog. i usually don't like writing daily journals or events because my life can get pretty boring. especially when you work and you have ridiculous customers. i've noticed something old people. . . excuse me. the elderly. they are very specific. it drives me up the wall, i swear. whenever a old buick pulls in front of my work, with two senior chaps i cringe. or i pretend i'm on the telephone with a customer so shirline can deal with them. they also try to get the most out of their money. which is not bad, but still. i think when people hear "cents" they think they have all the money in the world. that's mostly why restraunts and stores have 99 cent items on their menu's. well at thorne printing, color copies are 69 cents. that's all, right? if it's under the dollar amount might as well make millions of copies right? wrong. so when i tell these people that their total for 80 color copies on regular paper is $55.20? (no tax i remind you). they automatically question where i came up with a ridiculous price. like i'm trying to rip them off. their faces scare me when they get mad. urg. so it gives me somewhat of a delight when they pay with credit or debit because they don't carry that much cash. that sounded mean. another pet peeve is people and manners. i understand peoples love for pets, and especially dogs. i'm down with that. but don't bring your chiwawa into the shop and let it run behind the counter, past the press, bindery and into the break room. it's really not a fun adventure (yes, i'm speaking from experience). . . OR i hate those men who think they are big because they drive trucks. i'm not anywhere big myself so i probably should not be speaking. but they walk in and expect everything to be there way. when they arrive to pick up an order and i don't find it, they skip the counter and come in the back to help me find it. what a freak, seriously.

and my number one pet peeve. . . (insert drum roll). . .

stupid questions!

"do you sell american flags?"

"do you sell trash bags you can put in your car?"

"are you open on saturdays?" (on saturday)

"how much would it cost to spiral my priesthood manual?" (not everyone is mormon. . .jeez!)

and 1st place goes to. . .

"hi, i have an mp3 player i bought for my kids, i was wondering if you guys could put some songs on it for me, and i could just pay for the songs, can you do that there?"

these are a just a few examples of some of the things that happen at good ol' thorne printing.
i probably shouldn't complain though. after all, at least i have a job. ciao for now!

Friday, January 16, 2009


holy cow, finals are over! what a relief. and i never get excited about how well i did, because when that happens, i bomb it and then i don't feel all that hot. so i'm not telling everyone how i felt. but i do have all a's for this semester, so far. haha. speaking of relief, i was introduced to a mind-blowing cough drop yesterday by my band director. yes, it's mind mind blowing! they call it ricola. they say it's natures way of healing your throat becuase its made with herbs. . . or something. i think i can't go back to any other way. it's everything it says on the bag. soothing, refreshing, and of course it relieves my coughs naturally. haha. i thought i would share my amazing discovery with all of you. sad thing is there are only 19 drops. . .at least that i can find. the picture says theres 21 but whatev. anyways, i'm headed out. i need to take a power nap before my weekend. go try some ricola, its mind blowing.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

sunday morning post

it's almost sunday, so this might be short before i go hit the sack.
if you look at my music up top the page, the last song on the play list by 'the very most'. yes, that's a rockin' band. and best part about it? their local!!! my old private teacher plays drums for this band as well as back-up vocals. musically brilliant. i sometimes wonder what would have happened if i never did music. i probably would have been a photographer, or maybe a broadcaster. seriously, i can envision myself loving both right now. i already love photography, but i never considered myslef a photographer. photographs show amazing things. i seriously can't get enough of good photography. these are some of the outcomes of me pretending to be a photogrpher. mostly my boring saturdays or days off. you may recognize one of my pictures as a background. i just decided that me and my friend chelsea are going to begin a graphic design and photography studio when we both graduate. ha!! and she does'nt know that, but that's ok. anyways, i must be getting to bed. so cheers. excuse the photo quality on the blog.

Friday, January 9, 2009

technicolor dreams

i've been thinking about life. but then again who doesn't. so i am sure anyone reading this can relate one way or another. there are certain events that make you reflect upon life. it's like that feeling when you realized you just turned in a bad essay, and wish you could start blank again. haha, just a random thought here, but i love acoustic music. i think that's the music that makes me feel most down to earth. not because of the natural raw quality it has, i think its just the fact that the musician has nothing but a simple guitar, and a simple voice. i love that, i wish i could pull that off, and still sound good. so while i'm listening to acoustic music, i think about life. mostly because its so organic, that it puts me in this state where i am only thinking about my window of life. unlike other genres which encourage certain personalities. acoustic makes you feel at home, wherever your home is. i think life is more simple than what people make it to be. really. you can fill your life up with glamour and glitter, when in all reality, we all live on the same place. of course, you can have fun, sure. but don't do the unnecessary. i think we just work our way out to figure out who we are. which takes a long time. i'm really not quite there yet, although i like to think that every now and then. the more people i meet and the older i get (constantly), the more i realize that less people really don't care for your triumphs. and thats not intended to be depressing and negative. i'll explain. my family loves me and supports me, encourages my activities and celebrates my victories. outside of that arena, i think everyone else are spectators. not fans. ok, ill put friends and families in that arena. however, there are fans, and they are the only ones celebrating your joy! i am not a big fan of show-offs or braggers. i'll tell you that much. i sometimes wonder what they are trying to accomplish by displaying their abilities in un-welcome situations. i totally understand large ensembles, competitions, practice, showcases, etc. i've noticed that people tend to subliminally show-off or brag, at which in cringe! yes, cringe! i appreciate talent and ability, i just don't appreciate it when it's an insincere display of it.
wow, i'm really speaking my mind today. i guess that's what listening to acoustic death cab for cutie does for you. on of my favorite quotes, sung by sondre lerche and regina spektor explain this kinda well.

"forget all your technicolor dreams, forget modern nature, this is how it's meant to be".

yes! i love love love this quote. perhaps i am not reading this quote as it was written. but if i'm not, i like my own personal take on it. forget all your technicolor dreams: ok, this makes sense, right? basically, forget all your past dreams that are full of glamour and glitter. that's not how life really is. of course you can expect certain things in life, and how you want them to go, how you want them to happen, who you want to be with. but don't create a concrete image in your mind how things are going to happen. forget modern nature: referring to the current trends. forget it, do what you think is right, and what everyone else is doing. just because everyone is doing something you're not happy with, doesn't mean you have to participate. this is how it's meant to be. yes! yes! yes! this is how its meant to be, because in all reality its everything you wanted. if you were to live with your circumstances in a world of no 'technicolor dreams' and no 'modern nature' that's exactly what you would want. what a fantastic quote, brilliantly written. cheers to them. they delivered a great message! do what you want to do, and forget outside distractions. do what you know you need to do regardless of what situation you are put it in. we are all sent here at this specific time, because it's the best time an all the time in the earth's existence to be here. so i say do the best you can, and let yourself be the best you can be, we only have one shot. i learn things like this from amazing places, amazing music, amazing quotes, and amazing people.
thanks for reading,

im out.

Thursday, January 8, 2009


when i started blogging i always felt the need to express gratitude for friends. of course i love my family, but i love my friends in a different sort of way. ha. ill just talk about them. but in no particular order. my good buddy, josh jarvis. i think i've know this kid since early early middle school, and we have always been friends since. me and him kinda get a little silly around each other but we do like to make up songs that we think are amazing. and then yeah. but he along with my other good friends make me laugh a pretty good amount. and then, along with him i have chris. idk even know when we stumbled upon eachother, but i guess we became friends. haha. he has probably given me many insights to many different subjects and been really silly. we like to do homework together but that never happens. and then we start ridiculous clubs that never really go far. and last but not least melissa. melissa is pretty freakin' amazing. known her since she was fresh in high school kinda. melissa always makes me smile, and even more so makes me laugh. but we laugh together. haha. she gets my humor and i get hers. which is probably one of the best things ever! i really appreciate her and everything she does for me, and thankful she is still my friend especially when i can be a real dork.
i'm thankful for all my friends, especially right now, senior year when i could use the support. it's awesome!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

my thoughts about life

Free Layouts for MySpace

I made my layout with the Myspace Background Maker. Get myspace layouts, graphics, and flash toys at pYzam.


i never realized how much i freakin' love norah jones. who wouldn't want to listen to her voice, its magnificent. just needed to put that out there.

when i was younger, i went through many different points where i decided what my career would be. the furthest i can remember back was when i wanted to be a freakin' gymnast. not to proud of that one! at school they passed out free circus tickets and me and my dad. after seeing the people walking on ropes and being all flashy and stuff i knew that was my destined career. i even had my mother make me a gymnast costume for halloween. i'm not sure why she supported my dream of becoming a gymnast wearing leatards but that's ok. i was happy. it was bright teal, with silver sparkling sequences lining the sides and my collar. . . and sparkling footsies. yeah, i'm not sure why i'm digging myself deeper.

those were my two thoughts for today, hopefully i can blog something more interesting next time.

Monday, January 5, 2009

the radio

in the car, i always listen to the radio. unless someone is in the car and they are more interesting than the radio, but if they are not, than i'll listen to music at a decent level of volume. OR if there are people that are annoying in my car and i can't stand but they don't know it, ill turn it to a gay station and leave it there and they tend to sing along. idk why i have given them rides but whatever. so i was bored in gov't class, so me and chris started listening to freakin npr. yeah, i know. the last thing i usually listen to is npr. turns out i freakin love that station. i learn the coolest things every day! i am amused and kinda pinching myself at the same time for not listening so often. perhaps the only segments of npr i have listened to before-hand was car talk, on saturdays. but since i work saturdays and my co-worker hates npr, i think i'll leave it on in the car. and if people complain about npr in my car, i'll throw 'em out my window and make them walk. not really, but ok. i have always had a problem with radios, they never play my kinda music. and that sounds self-ish but it's not. they really just don't play my music. back in middle school, i used to think it was cool to listen to classic rock, just 'cause i thought that was cool or something. . .?? i was kinda weird you see. but i really didn't like it. i just thought the lifestyle was cool. man, i was really weird.

this was me during my . . .' stage'.

so i tend to change my musical taste. you know your'e a true fan when
you like the same band that you did in sixth grade, now. relient k is pretty freakin' rad. so i'll play them & npr in my car any day.

Sunday, January 4, 2009


i just had a brilliant revelation.
life is like. . . . pottery!!!
it's like one of those pots on those wheels,
and with every thing you do, or spend time with,
it's like putting a dent or crease in the side of that pot.
so by the end of life, you have this cool,
or not so cool-looking piece of pottery.
plus, its hard to get rid of those mistakes
but its still possible! and you can make it
look however you want, and no one is the
same. sorry if that's the lamest life metaphor
you've heard yet. but i admit it's better than
life is a highway.
does that make sense?
if not than i probably look like an idiot but ok.

and this what your life-pot would look like

if you lived a very boring life.

i get to make something!

woo, i get to make more decisions! raise your hands if you hate decisions?
(i'm raising both hands quite high and they are both waving). because i hate decisions. unless of course it's like a choice between a nice car and a nice house. of course im taking the car. i wish there was an expression in text in which i could express some frustration, of course i could always make some up, but they might look weird on the screen. so whatever. here's the funny thing about decisions. let's pretend we are on a highway (only the perfect and most overused metaphor) life is a highway. . .anyways. but we are on a highway and there are two roads, and one road from the first road leads to another road which leads to another road. so if we are starting in nampa, one path could take me to new york and one could take me to austin texas. i know, it sounds so clichés. so basically i'm stuck in a car, at a rest stop waiting to decide what to do. it totally sucks. atleast i have narrowed down my options. i feel pretty tired of having to keep making them, which totally sucks because right now is when i have to make the most and decide who i want to be. it's ok though, ill do it. i know, especially now, that whatever do i can do with confidence. i really don't have to be dependent on anyone-else to make decisions for me, which is totally rockin'. not that i didn't before, but its good to know that i am not always asking for advice because i know what i want. hard to explain. stupid decisions, it would be cool if i could tell the future, figure out what i have already picked and then pick it. and if that doesn't make sense to you, then don't worry about it. my new life outlook: be who i want to be, and people who really care will accept it. oh and realy quick, kanye west is so cool, and so is his music.
go check it out.

im out.

sunday mornings

sundays just got better! usually every saturday i do something, and don't follow my normal sleeping pattern because i don't have school the next day. last night me and melissa watched eagle eye, pretty interesting movie. my second time and her first, but i wouldn't consider buying it, and then after that i watched snl as well, so i was up later than my usual 'bedtime'. church used to be at nine, which isn't as bad as school, but still pretty early. . . for me. ha. but now church is at eleven and i was very pleased to wake up without restraint this morning it was very nice! so i went straight to the fridge (becuase i forgot dinner last night). . . and opened a yoplait, and when i was looking for a spoon ana reminded me it was fast sunday, and i totally spaced for the few minutes! so i suran-wrapped the cup and put it back.
there are two types of sunday mornings in my house, hectic or easy-going. today was easy going, partially due to the fact that we have two more hours to get ready! but on hectic days we end up taking three cars, arriving at three different times, and some of us forget scriptures. it's not very fun, especially when we have to fight for the shower, but today it wasn't bad at all, its went really smoothly, so good way to start the year (:
our shower has three settings: regular, massage and. . . i don't know how to describe it. . . let's call it "jetstream", because its in the center and it comes out faster. so i figured out how to make go in between jet stream and regular. it feels really freakin' awesome when i wash my hair, i don't know why but it just does, but yeah.
i also go back to school for the first time since christmas break tomorrow, we will see how that goes, and hopefully i don't have any test when i get back, that always seems to happen to me.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

sick families, bad drama teachers and amazing boulevards

this morning i woke up with a slight cold. i think it's my turn now, because my whole family has been sick at one time. it started with marie, who couldn't even down sprite. and if you know marie, not drinking sprite really means she's sick! then dallan, dad, and this morning my mom. poor thing, i felt realy bad for her. so today, i got all my chores done before eleven, made her tea and cleaned part of the kitchen. i don't mind when my family is sick but when they get sickt hey get grumpy sick. they don't lay in their bed quiet just waiting be good, they take it out on the family. me and my mother however just sit and wait for it to go away. it's a strange thing how sickness makes people act. so if i did work today, i would be able to because i feel pretty fine. but for some strange reason thorne printing closes three days around the holidays. so in jan, my work is close jan 1st, 2nd and 3rd,. . . yeah. everyone forgets that its even 2009 by the time that january third comes around, so either they are loosing a lot of buisness, or there is a line outside of thorne printing when i go back to work. haha, i begged them to switch me days because i now am in the process of doing the school musical. and if you have done one, you know it eats up like all of your time. our drama teacher here is on "adminstrative leave". . . he's fired. i guess he hit kids with a plastic bat and broke the bat, all out of anger. i think i'm officialy scared to work with that guy. of course, rumors went flying around like a wildfire, so i could be wrong. but he really did get arrested and all the admin. leave and stuff. so i don't know if we are ever really doing the play. my choir director says she will take it under her wing, but it doesn't seem like we have made any progress. and knowing the cast, it would be hard to pull out a quailty show before the end of the year. . .ha! maybe i am underestimating, myself and the art dept. but who knows. on monday i will probably find out what is going on (or i hope) and see if the choir director is being serious about the play. . . either way, if we do it or not, i'm totally ok. (:
*oh and let me not forget, there is this amazing boulevard called 'garity blvd'. (excuse my spelling if you need to) but it's my favorite one in nampa. . . hope that makes my aunt feel somewhat better. ha!

Friday, January 2, 2009


i went to boise today, and because i went there i realized how much i love why i don't live there. i used to live there but eventually moved to nampa, obviously.  i love it here.  a lot of people i know tend to complain about this place, and that when they can they will move out!  i disagree, nampa is so amazing.  there probably isnt as many things to do entertainment-wise, however oppurtunity wise nampa is a thriving community. everyone knows where everything is, where 12th is, where Greenhurst is and where different buildings are located, unlike some cities or towns.  or course,  i would like to get out, and i dont wish to spend my whole life in nampa, but growing up, i think it is definitly a place for oppurtunity.  nampa has a lot of things that most communities need, and it's not like we are deprived of anything that most cities do have. . . except for an ice skating rink. haha. maybe thats what i'll do when i grow up. . . build nampa's first ice skating rink called "j's skating corner". HA! no, that's just weird, anyways! nampa is a great place, thank goodness i still have a while before i have to leave!

v v v v  nevermind those post, it was some stuff for my template (:
Free Layouts for MySpace

I made my layout with the Myspace Background Maker. Get myspace layouts, graphics, and flash toys at pYzam.
Free Layouts for MySpace

I made my layout with the Myspace Background Maker. Get myspace layouts, graphics, and flash toys at pYzam.


it happens every time i have an extended break in the middle of school, christmas, summer, spring, thanksgiving, all of those. i get really bored and it just brings out how un-creative i can be. so today i am going to boise while my family watches hsm-three (i have already seen that twice) and i refuse to watch it again. first two times were great but i can only handle so much of one movie before i become irrated. so i am taking my mom's car and finding something to do down there.
on breaks i usually tend to clean my room a lot, and it has been happening these last few days, but somehow, sometime it gets dirty and i don't know how! its pretty frustrating but i manage. and since its break i stay up however late i want and dont worry about sleep anymore, so last night i watched eagle eye for the first time. dang! it was so packed with 'action' that there wasn't a minute in the movie that i really felt calm, because it wsa so intense. compared to vantage point this show is a knock-out. it was pretty well planned. i think you all need to watch it, and if you don't like it, thats ok too. (: so for these last few days of break i am going to sleep in and stay up as much as i can, and not worry about anything. hopefully i don't have a hard time going back to school and waking up at seven a.m. so far i have a had a pretty amazing break. (:

Thursday, January 1, 2009

its january first!

it's two-thousand and nine! that means another year closer to becoming grown up, kinda scary but i'll live. i figured out that sledding makes me sore...weird, i know. me and melissa went sledding with my family on christmas eve day and the next day we were both sore! i was laughing and i felt quite stupid when it hurt to tie my shoes. anyways, after that we played scrabble at the flying m and i learned some new words, thanks to harrison. "funder" and "vizit" are both new words, both with real meanings too! funder is a mix of fun and thunder. . . so if you ever need to combine those two words thats when you would. and vizit is just fun to say, but it's a spin on "visit", and with the z substitution, it makes the word that much more cool.

i've been reading (or looking. . . well both) at this amazing book. it is basically a collection of the best one-hundred photographs ever taken. it seriously amazes me, even when the photo seems random. many of them have to do with historical events throughout america's history, and sometimes even world history. my favorite photos are of marylin monroe, and not for that reason. she was such an icon that any photo of her kinda became a classic, idk, just that era must have been amazing to live in. thats just another thought.

so whenever i go to a good resteraunt i always think to myslef: "i could do this...easy". in fact i have always thought it would neat to own my own resteraunt but have never really had too much interest in the culinary field. i just kinda dream about it, but today those dreams were ruined. i made a batch of basic chocolate chip cookies today and didnt realize how much work it took. that sounded really lazy but the time i was done cooking my black shirt was covered in flower and my hands were quite sticky. i had to wash all the utensils and sweep a little bit too. not that im lazy, i just never really knew how much work actually went into cooking i thought was so simple, or maybe it's just me. i was pretty excited that they turned out so great. . .mmmmm.